Today we debated if we were going to go anywhere because Makenna was in rare form this morning with the whining and crying and we just weren't sure if we wanted to push her. She is getting over a cold and Teri is finally catching it, but we decided that we didn't want to waste a Saturday. I've (Chris) been working late all week trying to get my work done this week and I really wanted to sleep today, but since we only have 52 weeks here I knew we would feel like we cheated ourselves if we didn't just go. Unfortunately, the place we picked was 2.5 hours away, so we just said let's go and we did and I'm glad we did.
This place, Beaulieu (pronounced Bewley), is the home of the Montagu family
and they've had it since the disillusionment when Henry VIII took the Abbey that was there and sold it to them for something like 1200 pounds. Henry destroyed the Abbey and used the stone from it to build 3 castles. The abbey was the first Cistercian Abbey in England and many spread from there throughout England. The Church of the Abbey was as large as Westminster Cathedral when it stood all that remained was a portion of the Cloisters (courtyard), the dormitory (now the Beaulieu Manor house, the monk's dinning area (now t
he Beaulieu Parish church), and a portion of working areas where the lay workers stayed.
They had a whole bunch of other things there including a monorail (which we could not go on because of the stroller), a "James Bond Experience" (which had a whole bunch of cars and memorabilia from the movies), a big collection of cars which is called the National Motor Museum (loaded with old cars and specialty things) and several other things including a corny "Disney-esque" ride that shows the history of the automobile in sit on this car and they have a cheap version of animated people and such like "It's a small world" in Disney. Our particular car in the ride kept stopping the play and saying "Please remain seated if the ride should stop and the bar not rise on the seat. If the bar does rise, please run as fast as you can to the nearest exit before the building collapses on you."...Well the last part wasn't really part of it, but it just kept saying that when it was supposed to be talking about one
era of another...really annoying. The cars in the place were really quite extensive in their variety and age. They had one electric car that Queen Victoria drove around her palace. There was also cars that set the land s
peed record. One car, was running on Daytona Beach and hit the speed record of 200+ mph back in 1900's. It had 1000 hp engine in it, which really surprised me for the 1900's. Once the driver hit the speed he couldn't stop because the engine kept running, also his brakes melted, so he had to drive into the water...luckily the engine kept running and he was able to drive back out and survive.
While in the car museum, I was thinking of my brother Jared who loves cars. So some of these pictures are for him. He would've really enjoyed this place. The red car is a 1937 Ford Roadster. The purplish car (which I can see my girlfriend Tina driving in,) is a 1961 Rainbow Chaser.
Makenna was actually very good all day until we were ready to leave and she was getting tired. Then the whining and irritability set in again. She didn't want to walk, but she didn't want to be in the cart. She wanted to be carried by daddy who can only carry her in his arms so long before his back hurts. We finally got back to the car and she mumbled herself to sleep saying she wanted a bite of sandwich. When she woke up close to home, she again started talking about eating a sandwich. In the end she didn't eat anything for dinner. She just wanted to go to bed.
I unfortunately, started to get chills and a fever. I was somewhat surprised as being outside today actually invigorated me. I'm feeling much better now that I took some Ibuprofen and had some dinner. I'm just praying I don't get the flu (so is Chris,) otherwise I'll really be out of commission.
P.S. Thanks to Chris's parents who bought us a book when they were here. It gave us the idea of going to this place today.
Come back and look for the pictures tomorrow - it's almost 11:30pm here and we're beat!~
This place, Beaulieu (pronounced Bewley), is the home of the Montagu family

They had a whole bunch of other things there including a monorail (which we could not go on because of the stroller), a "James Bond Experience" (which had a whole bunch of cars and memorabilia from the movies), a big collection of cars which is called the National Motor Museum (loaded with old cars and specialty things) and several other things including a corny "Disney-esque" ride that shows the history of the automobile in sit on this car and they have a cheap version of animated people and such like "It's a small world" in Disney. Our particular car in the ride kept stopping the play and saying "Please remain seated if the ride should stop and the bar not rise on the seat. If the bar does rise, please run as fast as you can to the nearest exit before the building collapses on you."...Well the last part wasn't really part of it, but it just kept saying that when it was supposed to be talking about one

While in the car museum, I was thinking of my brother Jared who loves cars. So some of these pictures are for him. He would've really enjoyed this place. The red car is a 1937 Ford Roadster. The purplish car (which I can see my girlfriend Tina driving in,) is a 1961 Rainbow Chaser.
Makenna was actually very good all day until we were ready to leave and she was getting tired. Then the whining and irritability set in again. She didn't want to walk, but she didn't want to be in the cart. She wanted to be carried by daddy who can only carry her in his arms so long before his back hurts. We finally got back to the car and she mumbled herself to sleep saying she wanted a bite of sandwich. When she woke up close to home, she again started talking about eating a sandwich. In the end she didn't eat anything for dinner. She just wanted to go to bed.
I unfortunately, started to get chills and a fever. I was somewhat surprised as being outside today actually invigorated me. I'm feeling much better now that I took some Ibuprofen and had some dinner. I'm just praying I don't get the flu (so is Chris,) otherwise I'll really be out of commission.
P.S. Thanks to Chris's parents who bought us a book when they were here. It gave us the idea of going to this place today.
Come back and look for the pictures tomorrow - it's almost 11:30pm here and we're beat!~
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