Happy Mother’s day to all our mother’s and grandmother’s and aunt’s, etc. We were able to call my mom and Chris’s mom to wish them a happy mother’s day. Makenna told Chris’s mom, “Happy Mudder’s Day,” then followed it up with “Happy Birthday.” I don’t think she could tell there’s a difference between the two sentiments.
I forgot to mention on Friday and Saturday our potty updates. I’m sure you’re all waiting with bated breath. Well, since Hannah was over for quite some time on Friday and used our little potty that we got for Makenna, she saw Hannah using it and decided after she left, that she wanted to use it. I used Madonna’s technique and let Makenna sit on it while watching tv. That kept her on it for a good 15 minutes. She didn’t go but she was willing to sit.
Then we did the same thing Saturday morning and after sitting for 15-20 minutes, she did go a little. We did the obligatory potty dance. We haven’t gotten her on since. That’s our problem, we’re very inconsistent and I really have to change that. I’m hoping that the week I’m home before starting work that I can try and concentrate on this task. I’m not making promises though.
Anyways, today we finally went back to church…the first time in a month. I felt bad as I was like, “I know we haven’t seen you in a while, but this is our last week, so bye.” During Sacrament Meeting, I had Bethany (Hannah’s sister,) as she had come up to me the previous class and promptly fell asleep on me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a small baby fall asleep on me.
When she woke up a little later, her mom gave her a cube of cheese to eat and she promptly made a gooey mess of it. Chris and I were like “eeww.” She’s just so cute though. When she was over on Friday, she got one of Makenna’s musical toys and as it was playing, she was bouncing up and down on her butt to the music. She’s going to be very outgoing like her sister I think. Madonna thinks that Bethany (who’s almost 1 year old) actually starts the fights between her and Hannah. I can see that as Bethany has a thing for hair lately and constantly comes up to me just to pull my hair – no kidding.
After church we tried to quickly get Makenna into a nap as we were going over to the Bishop’s house for dinner. It was a really good dinner of wraps with chicken and bacon, some carrots with honey and other things. I was nervous it was going to be fish so I was greatly elated when it wasn’t as I wasn’t sure how I’d swallow it down. Makenna and her health conscious eating had a bag of crisps (chips) and some of a wrap.
Then we had brownies and ice cream, and lemon chiffon cake. They also had custard but I didn’t have any. I couldn’t have possibly eaten any more. Makenna thoroughly enjoyed the brownie and ice cream of course.
They have two bunnies and Makenna really enjoyed playing with them and especially feeding them. She tried feeding them rocks and then they brought out the rabbit food so she was able to feed them proper food. We had left over lettuce from dinner that went to one of the rabbits. Only one rabbit could be out at a time as the two of them fought if they were both out. We convinced them to let them both out so we could see it and sure enough one came out with a ton of the other’s fur all over it and in its mouth. It was quite entertaining.
Makenna then also put rocks in their food dishes and cages. She also didn’t hesitate to put rocks in their watering can. They were good humored about it even though I felt bad as a lot of the rocks were from places they had gone such as France, etc.
We also talked to them about where to go on their trip through the north east come this July. They’re already planning on going to Niagara Falls and up to Boston and hopefully making a side trip to see us.
I had to add the picture of her in this dress was one that she had gotten back in the beginning of April from Grandma & Grandpa Jones for Easter but this was the first time she’s been able to wear it. It’s a size 4/5 and in all honesty, it’s just long enough and just fits her across the torso. It’s ha
rd to swallow how big she’s getting sometimes! 
I forgot to mention on Friday and Saturday our potty updates. I’m sure you’re all waiting with bated breath. Well, since Hannah was over for quite some time on Friday and used our little potty that we got for Makenna, she saw Hannah using it and decided after she left, that she wanted to use it. I used Madonna’s technique and let Makenna sit on it while watching tv. That kept her on it for a good 15 minutes. She didn’t go but she was willing to sit.
Then we did the same thing Saturday morning and after sitting for 15-20 minutes, she did go a little. We did the obligatory potty dance. We haven’t gotten her on since. That’s our problem, we’re very inconsistent and I really have to change that. I’m hoping that the week I’m home before starting work that I can try and concentrate on this task. I’m not making promises though.
Anyways, today we finally went back to church…the first time in a month. I felt bad as I was like, “I know we haven’t seen you in a while, but this is our last week, so bye.” During Sacrament Meeting, I had Bethany (Hannah’s sister,) as she had come up to me the previous class and promptly fell asleep on me. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a small baby fall asleep on me.
When she woke up a little later, her mom gave her a cube of cheese to eat and she promptly made a gooey mess of it. Chris and I were like “eeww.” She’s just so cute though. When she was over on Friday, she got one of Makenna’s musical toys and as it was playing, she was bouncing up and down on her butt to the music. She’s going to be very outgoing like her sister I think. Madonna thinks that Bethany (who’s almost 1 year old) actually starts the fights between her and Hannah. I can see that as Bethany has a thing for hair lately and constantly comes up to me just to pull my hair – no kidding.
After church we tried to quickly get Makenna into a nap as we were going over to the Bishop’s house for dinner. It was a really good dinner of wraps with chicken and bacon, some carrots with honey and other things. I was nervous it was going to be fish so I was greatly elated when it wasn’t as I wasn’t sure how I’d swallow it down. Makenna and her health conscious eating had a bag of crisps (chips) and some of a wrap.
Then we had brownies and ice cream, and lemon chiffon cake. They also had custard but I didn’t have any. I couldn’t have possibly eaten any more. Makenna thoroughly enjoyed the brownie and ice cream of course.
They have two bunnies and Makenna really enjoyed playing with them and especially feeding them. She tried feeding them rocks and then they brought out the rabbit food so she was able to feed them proper food. We had left over lettuce from dinner that went to one of the rabbits. Only one rabbit could be out at a time as the two of them fought if they were both out. We convinced them to let them both out so we could see it and sure enough one came out with a ton of the other’s fur all over it and in its mouth. It was quite entertaining.
Makenna then also put rocks in their food dishes and cages. She also didn’t hesitate to put rocks in their watering can. They were good humored about it even though I felt bad as a lot of the rocks were from places they had gone such as France, etc.
We also talked to them about where to go on their trip through the north east come this July. They’re already planning on going to Niagara Falls and up to Boston and hopefully making a side trip to see us.
I had to add the picture of her in this dress was one that she had gotten back in the beginning of April from Grandma & Grandpa Jones for Easter but this was the first time she’s been able to wear it. It’s a size 4/5 and in all honesty, it’s just long enough and just fits her across the torso. It’s ha

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