Tuesday, May 27, 2008

27May2008 Day 3, First Day of Work for Chris

Ok, so I realized that I didn't do the dates right on the last two blogs...so we didn't skip a day, just getting the date right.

Makenna didn't sleep too well initially, she kept on waking up. Chris responded to one of her crying spells to find her head draped over the back of the bed. For some reason she wasn't able to get herself out of it, so we packed in more pillows and quilts to make it harder for her to get scrunched up at the top of the bed and she was fine after that.

Chris started work today at BAE Systems. He had an uneventful day of running around trying to get setup. But, he has a work cell phone now, so we are not quite as isolated. We bought a SIM card that allows us to do international calls fairly inexpensively (us is only 5pence per minute - about $.10) . They have an extra phone that we are going to borrow from work for the SIM card so Teri will be hooked up soon. We won't put the number on this blog because it is not secure, but we will send it out at some point when we know it.

We traided in our minivan for a Vauxhall Astra. Vauxhall is the European GM brand name. There are also a lot of Fords around. I really wanted a Ford Focus, but I'll have to work on that.

Teri and Makenna walked down into town and around which was quite a long walk. She noticed how much people smoke. Luckily they are not allowed to smoke in public places anymore, so that is good. You just have to walk through the fog of smoke when you are first entering into any place. We tried to go to several malls this evening to look for a jacket for Chris, but they were all closed. Everything closes down at 5:00pm or 6:00pm. It is nuts.

We went to Thomas Wyatt Beefeaters and of course we had beef, well Teri did and Chris didn't for a change. Anyway, it was pretty good and when Makenna was eating she was quite happy, but when she wasn't she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Chris had to take her out a couple of times to calm down in between courses.

Makenna still doesn't want to sleep when we first put her down and she cries so Teri lies with her for a while until she goes to sleep. She seems very nervous and is chewing the corners off of the afghan blanket Julie made for her (her favorite blanket by the way...she doesn't sleep without it - thanks Julie.) Anyway she is finally asleep now and Teri and I are going to watch a little bit of TV and then go to sleep. I forgot to photograph the house, but I'll try to remember in the morning.

Oh well, enough for today.

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