Then it was back home for lunch and to get ready to go over to Hannah's house. Hannah is a very cute, little red-headed girl from church. She's about 4 months younger than Makenna but is just as talkative and only lives about 10 minutes away - walking. Her mommy invited us over as it was an absolutely gorgeous day out, to play in the little swimming pool.
You can see in this picture that Hannah is absolutely loving getting her picture taken but Makenna didn't want hers taken so she's scrunching her face saying, "No!" (Sounds like something her mother would say if she was getting her picture taken in a bathing suit). If I had a choice of Makenna getting an accent while we're here, I'd love to have her pick up Hannah's accent. It's the cutest thing to listen to. We left after an hour and a half and Makenna was pooped out! She fell asleep on the way home and had a good nap. Unfortunately, right as I'm typing this, Chris is upstairs trying to get her to go to sleep. We hardly ever have problems putting her down at night but for whatever reason, she does not want to sleep right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be another really nice (hot) day. I'm hoping that maybe Chris will get out early and we can get out somewhere. (I won't hold my breath!)

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