Thursday, July 3, 2008

3 July 2008: Day 39: Have Sick Child Will Travel…No Where

No play group today. Makenna woke up this morning with a pretty runny nose, so much so that her sheets needed washing. She sounded stuffed up and as the day went on, it was the right choice to just stay home.

I never saw this child drool so much! Her shirts were drenched – which was probably why her sheets were wet too. Plus, the whining, crying, and never ending unhappiness is all one can tolerate in a day. Please don’t let us have another day like that (ever!) or at least tomorrow. Granted she's found out that whining is the one thing her mother (and father) can't stand and she does it with great finesse to try and get her way. But like I said, add crying and a general discontent because your sick, and a language barrier - you're just asking someone to break!

It made it hard to get things done, but somehow I got the house all tidy for tomorrow’s party and got an Apple Strudel made. Of course, I left some of the finishing picking-up for Chris and left him to take care of Makenna while I took a much needed bath. I do love this tub! (Tina would like it too – it’s purple!)

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