Considering all that has happened today - there were many "Titles" I could have listed as you'll read below, but since I'm writing this on my birthday - well then - that's the title I've chosen.
Today started out fairly normal. Chris went to meet Matt in Canterbury again for a service at the Canterbury Cathedral. He can write about that if he wishes. Considering that the service is at 11 a.m., I knew that I was going to have to walk to my church as he wouldn't make it back in time to take me. Unfortunately, it was a very hot and humid day. It only took me a half-hour to walk there but I was dripping with sweat. At least it wasn't raining. Chris said it could have been worse - he could have been back at home in the states - but in that case, I would've had the car at least. Lucky, for him, he came back in time to pick me up from church. :>)
{Chris' insert: Yes, I went to pick up Matt down in Canterbury about 50 minutes away so it wasn't a bad ride and we went to the service. The place was full of Bishops because of the Lambeth Conference and it was a nice service, the choir was amazing, though I had a hard time feeling the spirit there.
It seems that the tension around the future of the Anglican Communion and what the Lambeth conference will eventually decide, or not decide, has dampened my spirit a bit. Knowing that most of the people around me actually are in opposition to what I see as a most basic truth seems to have left me a stranger in a place I would have been excited to be in only a few years ago before all this stuff started. If you don't know what I am talking about, well, I'm sorry, people at my Church will know. If you want to know more, go to my Church or read the Bible and find truth for yourself. What amazes me the most about people is that if they want to learn math they go to school and study the text book, but when they want to know more about God, they look only inwards and at feelings, rather than going to school (a Bible based Church) and studying the text book(the Bible) which God superintended. Of course, you can say that the Bible was put together by man, but so was that Math text book and it doesn't make it any less valid unless you use that as the excuse for ignoring it and not finding out for yourself. Anyway, I guess I could be alienating some of my more secular readers, so I will desist...suffice it to say, there are a lot of people out there that don't agree with my position, but can't back it up with anything other than their feelings; I am comforted because I have something physical and real to stand on.
Anyway, Matt and I walked around the Cathedral for a time afterward, but since Teri was waiting for me, I took Matt back to his hotel soon after. My time with Matt reminds me how much I miss you all from back home. I hope you are all doing well. Back to Teri now...}
The other title for today would be "Bath Time - times Three!" Yes my lovely Makenna, who is twenty-two months old today, found a way to take multiple baths. Granted, all my fault, but still, it's my birthday. She usually gets one on Sunday's so that was her first one. Well then, after church, we came home and it was still pretty warm so after changing her diaper and taking off her dress, that she got all wet from spitting out water all over, I figured, why not let her sleep in just her diaper. Why not - well I'll tell you why not - she's at that age where it's too tempting to take off her diaper. So when I went to get her up from her nap - yup - she was naked! Just a blanket draped over her. Well of course she needed a diaper. Thank goodness it was only number one, but that caused the second bath to occur. The third time happened because as I was talking to my mom on the phone, Chris, who was cooking me dinner, came in and asked me where Makenna was. I said, "I assumed she was in with you" and he said "No - I'm cooking". It only took one guess to figure out where she was. Yup - in the bathroom - in the toilet. Bath number three. I hope all this scolding her to not touch the potty doesn't come back to bite us when it's time to potty-train her.
After, I took her out of the bathroom to get her dressed and at this point, she realized that running around naked was also a great thing. Off she went running and I had to reel her in and get her dressed quickly before we got a reason for another bath and having to clean another floor. After dinner, we had to take her shorts off as she soaked through those (can I just mention how I hate Huggies diapers)! So she was running around with a t-shirt and a diaper and she proceeded to take the diaper off on her own again. She of course laughed about this as daddy started chasing her down to put her diaper back on. As long as this phase passes and doesn't crop up again when she's in her teens - we'll be okay.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
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