We--Makenna, myself, Hannah, her mom and sister Bethany all went to the Christmas party that was given by the Thursday group that we go to sometimes. They did most of the same songs that they usually do, they just put a Christmas twist on them. They also had a light buffet of food. Makenna just practically stood at the table and kept eating these ring-shaped chips. I know Madonna told me the name of them but I don't remember what they are, but Makenna sure enjoyed them. I finally had to drag her away and put her coat on to go to get her to stop eating them. I also ate some pretzel-looking sticks but I could tell they had a different spice on them. It was a strange taste - not bad - but not great. Madonna told me it had "Marmite" on them. Everyone says you either love it or hate it and I guess I should've tried another to really decide.
I also was able to finish (well, almost,) cleaning the house. Makenna slept in (after waking up at 6am,) so I was able to start and then when we got home from the party and after eating lunch, I tried to vacuum. Unfortunately, the hose kept popping off. After four tries or so of trying to put it back on, I just gave up and figured I'd have Chris fix it when he got home (which wasn't until 10:30pm tonight!). Anyways, as soon as the vacuum stops making noise, Makenna immediately assumes I'm all done and she tries to then come help. This time I told her it was broke and that's all I heard..."broke, broke, uh-oh, wacuum broke." That's about all she could say until I put her down for a nap and then even when she woke up from her nap, it started all over again, "broke, broke, wacuum broke."
She also counted up to nine today, just out of the blue. The I think she tried counting backwards but kept just saying, "five, three, five, three, two." What was also funny, and me wishing I had the camera handy, was she took her doll that she got for her birthday, and she started walking around with it and talking to it and telling it to "sit" (on the couch) and telling it to "hold still." She also put it on one of those punching-balloons and had it bounce. Then took it back over to the couch and was telling to sit and hold still. I just think it's so amazing to see what kids absorb and spit back out. It's almost like looking at a mirror when you hear them say the same things you tell them repeatedly. It just shows you that they hear and understand, it's just the following and doing that needs working on.
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