Monday, December 29, 2008

28Dec2008: Day 216: Another Family Day

After church we went over to my brother Josh's house to watch some football. I had to also bring our rotisserie to cook a roast for Chris's brother Mark's birthday. We went over to Chris's parents to celebrate and enjoyed the roast and some angel food cake for dessert.

Makenna knew it was someones birthday and she kept saying "Happy Buday" and wanting ice cream. She finally gave in to eating the roast when she realized she could have A1 sauce with it. Maybe we will have to bring all nine bottles to England with us and explain that our daughter has a penchant for it. She then waited patiently for her ice cream. She also had some chocolate angel food cake which she thought was a brownie. She enjoyed playing with her cousin Stephanie and picked up a new phrase of "stinky feet" from her.

We went back home and got Makenna into bed and then you thought I was going to say poker didn't you?

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