Needless to say, she wasn't happy when I took her to nursery. She just clung to me and cried. I felt bad but I know that when I go, she calms down pretty quickly. After lunch, she was watching "Monsters Inc." and there is a character called Mike Wyzowski (spelling it phonetically). Makenna started saying it (as you can somewhat hear in this video). At first she say "Sowski" but she got better at it. It was about the only time she was happy. Even though she did have one moment of break down. The picture at the top was during the movie, thus the beautiful smile.
We also had the dishwasher repairman finally come. It's still not fixed. He had to order a part and will hopefully be back on Friday to fix it. Makenna was excited as usual that we had a visitor but she calmed down pretty quick as she was more into the movie.
Dinner was a huge headache. Chris says I need to pick my battles and I guess this is one he felt that I should've just let go. I made spaghetti, which Makenna usually likes and eats but for some reason just didn't want any part of it tonight. We had naan bread which she did want. I kept telling her that if she ate just one bite of spaghetti she could have some bread. Well, you would've thought I said the end of the world was coming. She, after maybe a half hour, eventually gave in and ate a couple of bites and I gave her some bread. Then the process started all over again. By this time, Chris was home and I said he could take over, I was at my wits end. He gave in and gave her bread, which frustrated me to no end. I felt it went against everything I was just trying to accomplish.
I took off to work on family history and when I returned, he was not too happy. She cried the whole two hours I was gone, over bread! I guess he's right in one sense, but I know she usually eats spaghetti and there was no reason why she should just sit there and eat bread.
As for the family history thing...well, that was frustrating for me. I had ordered micro fiche films from a different area of England where some of my family history comes from. This one film was very hard to read, some of it was from the 1500's so it was smeared, smudged, faded and wrote in fancy writing that was hard to read. Sometimes, written very close together and small. It just ended up being a futile time. I guess I'm just used to being able to use a "find" feature and being able to put in criteria and having things take me to the place I need to look for what I want. This is just sitting and scanning page after page. So I just ended up sending the films back. I don't have enough patience and think I can just find some of what I want on the Internet. Dang technology - spoils us all.
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