Tuesday, January 20, 2009

20Jan2009: Day 239: Uh Oh, Daddy?!

Usually during the day, Makenna will say, "daddy, daddy?" To which I reply, "Where's daddy?" and she replies, "work." Then I say, "right, he's at work." Well today, every little noise she heard whether it be inside or outside of the house she would say, "uh oh, daddy?!" As if to say, "daddy is coming in the house." You can tell she's eagerly awaiting for daddy to come home. The times when he does come through the door, she's all giggles and dancing and acting silly. So it was quite a disappointment every time she thought a noise was him coming through the door and I had to tell her no that daddy was still at work.

When I picked up Makenna from nursery today, she again acted like a tiger rowring (her noise) and proceeded to quickly try and show me all the different toys there are to play with. They had also told me they painted and that they tried to clean it off her feet as best they could. I assumed they meant her shoes, but when she took her socks off at nap time, I saw paint specks on her feet. So they must've been painting with their feet. That's a pretty good idea. See, I'm so uncreative in that department and so annal about how she'd take off running through the carpeted house, that we rent, that I don't know if I could be "free" enough to let this happen. Her primary worker also told me that she overheard Makenna making up a song about dinosaurs today. I assume that she was just singing a song that we typically sing and that the worker doesn't know Makenna's "speak" well enough to know what song, but I could be wrong. I actually caught Makenna singing Hokey Cokey (what we call Hokey Pokey,) today. I heard her saying, "put arm in, put arm out." Not sure why it's called Hokey Cokey over here, or if I'm even spelling it correctly.

Makenna has now also, as of a few days ago, been requesting a "drink" before bed. She loves to brush her teeth and especially now that she uses a "cup" (a tub toy that can hold water) to drink from and then be allowed to spit in the sink. I think I mentioned yesterday how she unfortunately transfers this spitting of drinks at inappropriate places and times. We have to remind her frequently that she can only spit in the sink when brushing her teeth. Anyways, I'm not sure if it's from the movie "Horton Hears a Who" or if it's from this cup thing during brushing her teeth that she now has been requesting this drink. She asks over and over, even for milk or juice. The first time she asked back on Saturday or Sunday, I relented and gave her something to drink. But now I'm not sure if it's just a delay tactic or if she's really thirsty. But since I'm trying to move a bit forward in the potty training area, giving her something to drink as she's just about to go to bed is not something I think would be a good idea.

Speaking of potty training, Madonna gave me this book that she read about gearing up to train Hannah for the potty. So I started reading it and trying to use some ideas from it today. Before nap and bed I tried getting her to sit on the training potty that we bought months and months ago. She pretty much didn't mind removing the diaper but wasn't up for sitting on the potty. I actually had to force her (which I'm sure is against the rules,) but wanted her to see that it's fine to sit on. Tonight she was a little more willing to sit but when it came down to actually sitting she balked. I just had her sit for what seemed less than a second and then got her diaper back on as I knew she wasn't going to really sit. Plus, I'm not up for the whole "running free" thing as I don't want her to get used to it and I'm too afraid of having to clean up a stream of urine down the hallway. Now I just have to continue with introducing her to the idea of sitting on it before bed times to get her more into the idea. I'm still hesitant, for selfish reasons, about having her potty trained. I know it's a 24/7 ordeal and since we travel a lot on weekends and not all places have restroom facilities easily accessible, it's just easier to have her in diapers and not to have to think about it. So I'm not pushing the issue, just trying to get her to think about it.

They had a two hour coverage over here of the new President being sworn in. I had to record the speech portion, and hopefully will listen to it soon (tonight I hope). I'm hopeful that things will really be able to change through his leadership but we know that it's not just him - it's Congress and the lobbyists that have a lot of say. I can't help but think, and this is just my thinking, that it reminds me of Nicolae Capathia from the "Left Behind Series." I truly hope that is not the case.

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