Monday, January 26, 2009

26Jan2009: Day 245: 8 Hours - One Load of Laundry

After we moved into this house we are now in, the owner got us a washer/dryer combo. It's the same machine so once a load of wash is done, if you have the settings correct, it will automatically start to dry it. As it's winter here and most days are rainy, we either hang the clothes inside the house to dry, or use the dryer. You have to remember that the washers here are much smaller. So you may be able to get three to four pairs of jeans in a load and that would be it. Thus, I'm constantly doing laundry. Unfortunately, a lot of times, because I try to get as much as reasonable in a load, they might not all dry. I then take out those clothes that are practically dry and set the dryer to continue drying. Well, the problem is that if I'm not paying attention, and don't turn the dial far enough, it could start the whole process over again of washing and then drying, instead of just the dry cycle. The time it takes to do the cycle once is around 4 - 5 hours. I'm guessing it senses the dampness in the dryer that determines how long it takes.

As you can guess, I did a load of laundry with a dry setting. I started it about 8:30am and about 12:30pm it finally finished the cycle. I checked the clothes, some were still moist and I took out those that would dry pretty quickly by air. I then set the dial to just dry - well I thought I did - and then the wash came on. I was a bit miffed but oh well - it finished in about 40 minutes - but it never dried! I looked at what I set the dial to and I had just set it to dry only so I have no idea why the stupid thing decided to wash and not dry at all. I reset the dial and it then finished drying about 4 hours later. Can you say frustrating!

The rest of the day was our normal gym/nursery and then grocery shopping. I bought some ingredients I wouldn't normally buy, for a Tikka recipe, which is Indian. In looking for these ingredients, I was able to find other things like real breadcrumbs. This would've helped yesterday as I made my first meatballs. The recipe I found on-line called for breadcrumbs or said to use toast. So that's what I used. Unfortunately, I didn't have an onion and I totally forgot to use onion powder. So they tasted like beef and bread but when added to the spaghetti sauce they weren't too bad. We, Chris and I were supposed to marinate the meat tonight for the Tikka recipe but he didn't come home until after 8:30pm and we're all sick with a cold - the joys of living in England.

Makenna is at the stage where you can catch her singing bits of various songs. The one's you hear are itsy bitsy spider, hokey cokey (pokey), mary had a little lamb, if you're happy and you know it, twinkle twinkle little star, pop goes the weasel, pat-a-cake, ABC's, and I'm sure there's others. I just love catching her singing as it's a guessing game as to which one she's singing until she hits the chorus. Today was mostly If you're happy and you know it and she mostly stomped her feet to show she was happy. She was especially happy when I brought out ice cream that I bought today (it was on sale for less than a pound). She's been asking repeatedly for days for ice cream so when I told her we could have some she said, "hooray! Ice cream!!" I love being able to make this little girl happy.

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