Saturday, January 3, 2009

3Jan2009: Day 222: First Haircut

Well, she's two years and two months, and seven days and she has now received her first official haircut. I had cut a very small tiny bit when she was much younger in the vain hope that it would help it to grow but I felt so guilty that I stopped after one small cut. I still felt bad as she doesn't have much hair to cut, but the back was getting very snarled and matted when she woke up from naps or in the morning. I had to keep putting in leave-in detangler to comb it so it wouldn't hurt - as much. She was a bit nervous and anxious but we got through it as she sat on my lap and I got covered in tiny pieces of hair. You can see in the above picture that she's not too thrilled by the whole thing. She moved around quite a bit which made it hard but overall, it looks cute - like a little pixie. It's hard to tell from this picture on the right as she didn't really have much done to the top or front (as she has very little hair their). I then got my hair cut and I will truly miss the way my hair feels as we head back to the harsh hard waters of England which make my hair feel like straw.

Then we went to the mall to grab a couple of things and return a couple of things. Bath & Body Works was having a sale on all their old "packaging," as they put it. Since I had an old gift card from last year (and it only had $1.00 on it,) I felt obliged to spend it on a couple of lotions that will no longer exist by the end of the month. Why do they keep doing that?!? You get to really like a few scents and they go and discontinue them. It's extremely frustrating. I don't know why they think people will just go for the new stuff all the time. I don't really care for the new scents they've been coming out with - but I digress. When we left, I had a small bag with the two lotions and Makenna wanted to carry a bag. So I let her carry it and she was just as proud as could be. She stopped to show everyone she was carrying a bag. She'd lift up the bag to strangers, and say "bag" as if to say, I'm carrying a bag, I'm important. She must've showed at least three different people her bag. At least one stopped and said, "oh, you're carrying a bag," which Makenna then smiled and walked away. It was really cute to see her so proud.

The rest of the day (and night,) was pretty much packing and trying to make sure we can get all the stuff into our suitcases that we want to take back (A1, Hot sauce, Crest toothpaste, deodorant, etc.). Plus some new clothes that we bought, and a few gifts that we received. Chris is right now in the process of trying to weigh all the bags to meet regulations and still get all our stuff into them. I cleaned the downstairs one last time while he was doing that. Hard to do packing and cleaning with a two year old who wants your attention and tries to get it by throwing various objects down the laundry chute, or takes things back out of the suitcase or garbage, but somehow we got through it.

We also had one last meal and Chris's parents so that we could say goodbye. Makenna got to see her cousins, Stephanie, Kelsey, and Brittanie one last time and I have a feeling she'll be asking for them for the next few days, along with her uncles, aunts, and grandparents. She seems to be asking for someone every few minutes. We'll also miss family and friends as we head back, but we're already trying to think of trips we'd like to take such as one more trip to France, and a trip to Rome. So keep reading into the new year and see what adventures we have!

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