Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10Mar2009: Day 288: It's Not Broke

More like a broken record. When daddy got home tonight, she wanted to watch a movie with him (all of 15 minutes as he got home late). She kept saying, “It’s not broke, it’s not broke.” We finally had to tell her “enough!” I think part of the reason she was saying this was because earlier, she had found one of the tapes from the video camera and broke into it literally. I was washing dishes up from dinner and when I came into the living room, she handed me this mini tape with the front piece broken off and a small piece of the tape itself ripped out. I very sternly told her that this was naughty and when daddy got home, he told her, “now it’s broke.” So I think that she was trying to rectify it by saying the movie player wasn’t broke. Thus we heard her tell us again and again that it wasn’t broke.

Another thing that she repeatedly said today during lunch was, “are you alright?” I don’t know what brought this about but all during lunch she kept saying this. She would stop saying it for about a minute as long as I asked it to her. One time I tried saying, “I’m fine, thanks for asking,” without asking her “are you alright” back. This only made her say it to me again, but in a higher pitched, and louder tone. After I would ask her if she was alright, she’d say, “I’m fine.” Then the whole thing would start again.

Speaking of feeling fine, I woke up and found white streaks to the back of my throat. I wasn’t too surprised. I have a penchant for getting sinus infections. I decided to call the doctors office to see if I could get in. Unfortunately, he just got back from “holiday” (vacation) and was all booked up. They asked me to call back at 11:30am to speak to him directly. I decided to forgo the gym (even though I felt guilty,) but as I didn’t take any Ibuprofen so as to not mess up any diagnosis he may give me, I wasn’t up for a workout. I called at 11:30am and he asked me my symptoms and a few other questions and said, “Okay, I’ll write you a prescription.” Wow! No visit no nothing, just at my word I get a prescription. I was amazed but also somewhat relieved that I didn’t have to make a trip in, especially a trip in with Makenna.

The problem was that I wouldn’t be able to pick up the prescription up until after 3pm. This is during Makenna’s nap so I knew that I most likely wouldn’t be picking it up today. I figured by the time she woke up and I got the prescription, I wouldn’t be able to fill it today as the “chemist” (pharmacy) only stays open until 5:30pm. I hope to try and go before Makenna’s swim class tomorrow. As soon as I got off the phone, I went straight for the Ibuprofen. Ahhh, relief!

One last thing about Makenna was that today she ate about seven or eight carrots. She saw daddy adding them to his lunch this morning and had about three. Then at lunch she ate about three more. Then for dinner she ate one to two more. If you give her three at a time, she seems to take bites out of all of them and goes back and forth. So they may not all get eaten fully but a bite here and there. I’m just happy that we’re moving on into some vegetables by her own free will, instead of me hiding it in her foods.

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