Wednesday, March 4, 2009

4Mar2009: Day 282: Potty Dance

I know it’s silly but I read in one of the books that if your child goes on the potty that you might want to try a potty dance. Today Makenna did pee a bit on the potty so I broke out into this potty dance. She thought it was funny and was saying “potty dance, potty dance,” but be sure to say potty with the inflection of “naughty” as her accent has it coming out sounding like naughty instead of our New Yorker accent of pawty.

I walked off to get a nappy and when I came back in I heard her peeing. I was so excited. She also got two stickers. She was excited to try again before bedtime but didn’t have the same success. She sat there for probably fifteen to twenty seconds trying so I give her credit for that. It’s sad when the excitement of your day revolves around doing a potty dance.

We did have swim again today and it was really tough to keep Makenna focused on what the teacher wanted. I kept telling Makenna that we had to listen to the teacher and she would tell us when we could play with the toys. This worked for the most part and I figure its good information for the future school years. The teacher had a hula hoop and had the kids swim through it under the water. Most of them stayed above water and held onto the hoop as they went through. On our second try I did get Makenna to go under.

There’s only one week left of this semester of swim and I did decide to sign her up for 10 more weeks. I still don’t like that’s it’s going to be Thursday’s at 2:30 pm but I guess I don’t have much of a choice. Most of the other mothers aren’t signing up as it’s just a bad time for one reason or another for them. They’re all upset as most of their kids have been doing the Wednesday morning swim for a few years. They still plan on meeting Wednesday mornings anyways. I’m thinking of trying to go to that too just to have the socialization for both myself and Makenna.

At dinner time, Makenna was saying, “just try it, try it, try it.” She was talking about her dinner and parroting back what we say to her. She was willing to try dinner, she was just nervous that it was too hot. She usually asks me to blow on it as I have the magic “coldness” to my breath I guess.

It’s funny because I look at other little babies and have a hard time remembering Makenna being that small. She talks so much now and mostly fragmented sentences but enough to get the idea of what she’s trying to say. It’s like a mixed blessing to see her grown and is able to say and do so much but I miss my compliant little angel. Now I have a chatty independent little girl who may scream to get what she wants and is slowly learning to go on the potty. I guess I have to just keep celebrating these small steps by doing potty dances.

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