I took Makenna to the park in the afternoon even though I wasn’t really up for it. It was a nice sunny day but a bit cool and windy. We really needed to get out of the house and I was glad I took her. I filmed some videos of her on the different things at the park so that I can have a memory of her here. I also added a picture of the house we live at. It's not this big as in the first picture on the left. this is actually two homes side by side. Ours

After the park, we went home and Makenna helped me to make brownies. She was really happy and excited by the fact that she could help me but more so that she could eat them later. We made them to take over to Hannah’s later as we were invited for a house warming party (they moved a few weeks ago). Makenna kept saying, “hap to share with Hannah, hap to share with Bethie.” This didn’t stop her from wanting the brownies NO

Actually Makenna has been trying to help me do a lot of things. Today, she helped me put away dishes from the dishwasher. The other day, she had a juice (sippy) cup and then it was gone. I was looking for it and repeatedly asked her what she did with it. I feared rancid juice in a week from now when I could finally locate it. I asked again and she finally said, “It’s in basket.” I had laundry all over the floor and the baskets right there. I looked in them and no juice cup. I looked around some more and then it dawned on me that she meant the laundry hamper. I looked inside and there it was. I guess she was just trying to help by putting it in there. I should’ve remembered that she puts a lot of random things in the hamper. She also is now using the washer/dryer as a place to put things. Once in a while, she actually gets clothes, whether clean or dirty. Usually though I find silverware, books, or toys. I always have to check before I do a load of laundry so I'm not washing some random item that shouldn't be washed.
We did go over to John & Madonna’s (Hannah & Bethany’s parents,) and there was another couple from church, Sophie and Alistair. We played some karaoke game and it was actually quite fun. You had to sing along to the song and it was more important that you hit the notes than the words. Sometimes you had to sing against each other and other times it’s was a solo. Then other times your team had to pass the mike around.
Makenna enjoyed the brownies that we brought, and also a doll of Hannah’s that she could dress up and pretend to feed. Hannah, enjoyed lots of food (no surprise there,) and she actually had a microphone and was trying to sing along too. I wanted to get her on video but missed it.
When we finally got home and put Makenna to bed, I did our usual nighttime routine and gave her kisses. I usually try to kiss her ribs and belly to make her laugh and tonight she told me, “Silly kisses” when I finished. There’s nothing better than to hear your child laugh at least once a day.
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