After lunch we went to the Strand which is another park in the area that has more playground equipment. We met Hannah and family down there but Makenna was more on her own mission of what she wanted to do. That was to go in this bounce house they had there. At first I kept saying no as I thought it was mainly for kids over five. After much persuasion on her part “this, this” (as she kept pointing to it,) I finally gave in and went over and asked if she could go on and how much. It was a pound-fifty for ten minutes and the guy said she could go on.
She was actually pretty patient for her turn, although, I had to keep telling her to wait for her turn. Hannah on the other hand had a major melt down. She wasn’t going on the bounce house and was pretty darn upset about it. I felt bad and offered to pay but her mom said no. I then thought they left the park, but I think she just took her to another part of the park for a bit.
Makenna did surprisingly well on it. I say surprisingly because I had this feeling that she would get off after a few minutes of being there but she stayed the whole time and in fact, I had to drag her off when the time was up. She of course wanted to go on again but I told her once was enough and that other kids had to have a turn. She stayed in my sights too which also helped me. She also wanted to go on this little train ride they had that went around this one area of the park but I said no to that and kept to that. They also had a horse ride, one of those one’s you see in front of a store where you pay money and it moves. I put her on the ride but didn’t pay for it to move. I usually do that to all these types of rides for now – until she realizes that it can move – then I’m probably going to be in debt.
She then moved on from that and wanted an ice cream. I gave into that one too. Not hard when I wanted one. She was upset though because I said that we were going to take it home to eat it and she just wanted to sit right then and there and eat it. It was starting to get a bit chilly and really windy so I wanted to get her home and then she could go straight to a nap after.
I added these pictures for you to see the fun she had today. The first one is in our back "garden" (yard). I just like all the pretty flowers that are now out. Plus, I need to rub it in since I see my hometown is calling for snow (tee hee hee).

Then the next is her on a see-saw. I'm on the other side. This is a nice see-saw from the ones I remember in childhood, as it's weighted and it doesn't fall down - at all - thus sending your "opponent" into a hard crash to the ground.

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