Thursday, April 9, 2009

9Apr2009: Day 318: Living Room 360

Well, I realize the pictures below don't make it look "clean" (aka picked up) but I just got done cleaning (vacuuming, dusting) to the best of my ability with a toddler. I don't know how anyone can clean with a toddler around. It was more of me yelling at her to stop taking things out as I was trying to pick them up. I reached a frustration point of where I was about to lock her in her room. I'd be in one room vacuuming and she'd be in the master bedroom taking things out of drawers. I said, "Makenna, mommy needs to vacuum in here...stop taking things out!" She'd start laughing. I'd grumble.

It didn't help that I felt "rushed" all day. I just felt like I had so much to do and get done and not enough time to do it. In fact, right now, I'm feeling rushed so lucky for you...this MAY be short.

We did get to the song and dance playgroup and met Hannah and her whole family (her dad is on Easter break). When we first got there, all Makenna could do is say, "Hannah!" She finally calmed down and got into it. On the way home we stopped at the library to drop off books and picked up just a couple more for Makenna. As I was trying to look at books, Makenna was off on her own. She found a computer in the kids section with the Teletubbies on it and I heard her yelling "mommy" in the library and for me to "come press button," to get it to work.

Well, let me add the pictures. Again, forgive the messiness look as this is the main family room. You can see the books all over the place as Makenna tends to get them down almost on a daily basis so we just haphazardly throw them back in. Then you can also see a pair of Chris's jeans on the heater. Sometimes, this is the way we dry clothes when it looks like rain outside and we typically like to air dry our clothes that aren't under-clothes.

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