Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17Feb2009: Day 267: Mmm Lish-us

My lovely little one decided to wake up at 6:30am for some reason. Maybe it’s because I put started to put her down at 8:30pm. It takes about twenty minutes to a half hour to get her to bed. Between brushing her teeth, filling the humidifier, changing her into pj’s, reading stories and doing prayers, and her dawdling in the process I figured I’d try and get her started a little bit earlier. Well, that obviously didn’t work out to my advantage. That didn’t stop me from trying to do it again tonight though. I guess we’ll see if she wakes up early again. I’m still lucky in that 99% of the time when she wakes up on her own, she just chats or sings. She hardly ever cries, again, when she wakes up on her own. So this morning, I just let her chat for about a half hour until I was ready to get up. I was hoping that she’d talk herself to sleep – she’s done it before. No luck this time.

After lunch we finally went to pick up our car. I again had a hard time finding the darn rental place. What I thought was the way, wasn’t. I ended up down a road that I ended up driving the wrong way. It was a one way street but I had no choice but to drive down it in order to turn around. I eventually got there and we now have a Ford S-Max Zetec. Have no idea what this car is. I have to actually look it up on-line as it was supposed to come with latches for the child seat and we could not find them and he book on the car wasn’t in the glove compartment. It’s kind of weird as the seat seems high, or the steering wheel low, but I can’t fix either that I could find. It doesn’t have a switch to bring in the side mirrors either, and it seems like a wider car. So I’ll have to really pray every day I pull in and out of the driveway not to scrape the mirrors. I’m actually thinking about rolling down my window and pulling the mirror in on my side as I back out.

When we got back we played with the play-doh again. She just wanted me to roll it into a ball so she could throw it around. We used the cookie cutters again but she just tore the shapes into small bits again. Then I decided to let her color on the paper. Unfortunately I didn’t think about the fact that we were on a rug. Needless to say, the rug got colored more than the paper. She liked the fact that when she pressed really hard on the paper with the crayon, it ripped it. Next time I’ll have to move to a harder surface.

After her nap, when I went up to get my chatty girl, she was chewing on her blanket. She looked up at me and said, “mmm lish-us.” I said, “oh, that’s delicious?” She then said, “tastes good.” Matter of opinion I thought. She was trying to offer me a taste – No thanks!

I wish I could say the whole day was a joy. For some reason, Makenna was really into hitting me today. She’s been doing this on and off for a while, along with the kicking as I change her diaper. But today, she really stepped up her hitting. I was of course not too happy with this. She was threatened in many different ways if she continued, such as no play-doh, or no movie. This of course makes her scream for whatever I said would be stopped or she would not get. Or she would actually hit me again. She at least wasn’t as stubborn as the past couple of times in saying sorry. This would re-instate her to my graces, until she would hit me again. It’s really frustrating in trying to find ways to tell her that this hurts people. She’s not yet figured out empathy completely. Short of hitting her back which I felt like doing some times, threatening to take away things is the only way I know how to handle this behavior. Plus, I realize that hitting her back would be confusing as I am telling her not to hit. Nothing like a child to bring out the child in you – not always in a good way.

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