Since we don’t get to keep these journals, I’m going to include a brief synopsis of what was said in the journal.
On Nov 25th, 2008: It was Makenna’s first day at the nursery and she settled down well and wasn’t too upset when “mummy” left. She walked around the room on her own looking at all the different activities. She pushed the “pram” around with a doll in it and then took the doll out and put it back in. She saw kids playing on the computer with a Dora game and pointed it and started saying, “Dora, Dora,” and sat down watched the screen.
Dec 9th, 2008: Makenna walked around exploring the different activities and watched other children with interest. She saw Dora on the computer and pointed saying, “Dora.” She sat with another child and watched them used the mouse. When she got upset she came to her key worker for comfort. After a cuddle & some comforting words, she went off to play again.
Dec 12th, 2008: Makenna showed pleasure by facial expression when being pushed around in the trolley. (They had a picture of her in a gray bin with another child being pushed by her key worker).
Dec 16th, 2008: They had pictures of Makenna dressed as an angel for the Christmas nativity play.
Dec 19th, 2008: They had a picture of me with Makenna at the Christmas party stating, “With a little help from mummy, Makenna collects her present from Father Christmas.”
Jan 13th, 2009: Makenna indicated that she wanted to do a “gluing.” She spread glue onto a paper using a spatula. Makenna then went over to an easel and picked up a brush. Her key worker reminded her that she needed an apron to protect her clothes. She used only the water so her key worker showed her how to dip the brush into the water & then into the dry powder paint. Makenna smiled as the paint color showed up on the paper. She then brought a spatula form the glue pot over to the easel, spreading the glue on the paint and picked out a letter from the craft box and stuck it onto her picture. When a piece of paper became stuck to her finger, she turned to her key worker and said, “stuck.” When she finished, she went to wash her hands, looking into the sink she could see sand all around it and said to her key worker, “dirty, dirty.” She also pointed to the cold tap and said, “Cold.” She went to the cloakroom & looked at the coats saying, “Coat” while pointing at them. Her key worker got her coat down & Makenna smiled, and said, “Scarf” and “chilly.” She then went off to play outside. When she came back in, she went over to the hair dressers role play area & picked up a brush and brushed her hair (still wearing a hat,) and while looking in the mirror at herself. She then picked up the hair dryer, again putting it up to her head. Her key worker took off her coat, hat, & scarf so that she could brush her hair properly. Makenna said, “Brush hair.” Later, she returned to the painting easel saying “ellow” as she brushed on the yellow paint. (They had pictures of her painting and at the hairdresser station).
Jan 16th, 2009: Makenna was interested in the computer displaying a picture of Dora but the program wasn’t working and it then displayed a picture of a dog. Makenna pointed to the dog’s paw and said, “Puppy foot.” Outside, Makenna played in a car. Her key worker pushed her and then another child began to push her. After a while she got out and pushed a doll & pram around the path before finding another car she could ride in. (They had a picture of her in the car).
Jan 20th, 2009: Outside Makenna balanced with support from her key worker on a large log and smiled. She went over to the dinosaur pictures on the fence and pointed to them and sang a song which she made up as she went along. Makenna played with the wooden doll house & dolls. During phonics circle time, she joined in with heads, shoulders, knees, and toes, pointing to the correct part of the body. She also joined in with the nursery rhymes being sung. (They had a picture of her playing with the doll house).
What I think is interesting about some of what was written above has to do with her playing with the hair dressing stuff. Especially the part about putting a hair dryer up to her head. She had, at that point, never seen me put a hair dryer to my head as I don’t use one typically. I think she got it from watching other women at the gym locker room. I have started using one on Wednesday’s after swim class to take the dampness out of my hair before leaving the gym. Also, the fact that she said “ellow” for yellow surprised me. We don’t focus on colors too much with her as we do with numbers and the letters but we do occasionally talk about colors of her clothes or of other things.

The other thing I found very interesting was the pictures I had given the nursery to put in her book. I’ve included one of the pictures here. When I gave them the picture, I didn’t think much about it, I just thought it was really cute. When I looked at it this time in her book, I couldn’t believe how small she seemed compared to now. I was utterly amazed to see the growth difference alone! Here’s a more recent picture of her

She also had a couple of cute things that she said today. One was of her singing “Bob the Builder...Can we Fix It?” She sang it, “Bob the Builder…Can we Biscuit.” Yesterday she had said something about swimming suit. She usually says it correctly but I couldn’t remember what she had said until today which was “swimming soup.” The other thing she did was with her dolly. She wanted to take it up at nap time with her to brush its teeth and wash its face. So I let her brush its teeth after she was done, and we skipped washing its face as it’s a cloth doll. She then took it to bed, and gave it her blanket to chew/suck on. She’s offered me this blanket too but I pass on the pleasant opportunity to indulge in this delicacy. I’ve said before this is the blanket she’s had since a newborn that my girlfriend Julie made.
I had the opportunity to go to the London temple again tonight with some people from church. I sat in the car and couldn’t understand much of the different conversations going on from the accents and words that I don’t know/follow. Plus they’d talk about people that I didn’t really know. I did talk to them about the snow again and the whole cleaning of the sidewalks. They said something that Chris and just told me earlier tonight which is that if you clean the sidewalks and someone falls, you are then liable for not cleaning it well enough. But if you leave it be, and someone falls, then it’s considered an “act of God.” Hmm, I wonder if God would agree with that line of thinking.
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