Sunday, February 22, 2009

22Feb2009: Day 272: Potty Training and Skin Tight Jeans

Makenna is obviously associating staying in a hotel with giving a gift. When we woke up yesterday at the hotel, she started saying “gift, gift.” It’s hard to explain that not every hotel stay is a gift day. I can’t believe that she actually remembers from about three weeks ago at Chris’s birthday how we gave him a gift. Then we went to church today and gave Hannah a gift for her birthday which was last Wednesday. So that will probably really confuse her. I had Makenna give Hannah the gift, which she just threw over the pew at her and then Hannah came over and handed it to Makenna. I had to tell Hannah that it was her gift.

At church today, we were the “cool parents.” Hannah sat with me and Makenna was with Chris. Then Amber and Xander came over and was playing with our stuff and eating some of the Cheerios and other snacks. Amber is I believe nine or ten months old and Xander is 2 ½. Amber was blowing raspberries which made Makenna blow them. But what was really funny was that Amber was trying to get back towards her mom so Chris picked her up and her legs spread apart and she blew a raspberry. It was quite funny to all of us around. Makenna was really well behaved which I was really excited about. She was quite tired towards the last 10 minutes and was lying down on my shoulder.

I wish she was that good the rest of the night. When Chris left for his church she started up again. She was hitting, pinching and kicking me. So after a sit on the steps and taking away her movies for the night, she finally calmed down. I’m not sure what starts her up on these tirades. I think part of it was trying to get my attention. I was working on yesterday’s blog and I guess she was feeling ignored.

We were able to get a little farther, and I mean little, on potty training. Chris figured out that Makenna likes to flush the toilet so before letting her flush, he had her sit on the potty. All about two seconds again, but he got her to sit a few times. I then tried it tonight and it’s still like getting a wood board to bend to get her to sit on it. But at least I got her to sit on it a couple of times before letting her flush. Not that she did anything but it’s just trying to get her comfortable and used to the idea of sitting on it. When I was putting on her pj’s I noticed red marks on the back of her legs, I think that’s where the potty seat rubbed up against her when she was in “stiff” mode and I was trying to get her to sit. Madonna also took Makenna with her to the potty when she was taking Hannah so Makenna got to watch Hannah go. Then before Sacrament meeting I was going to change Makenna and Hannah was again in there going potty, so she saw her again. Hopefully some of this will start to sink in.

One thing that caught my attention at yesterday’s castle was this guy—but not in a good way. He was wearing super tight jeans but then had them pulled down to show us his boxers. Is this a new fashion trend? The baggy, hanging droopy drawers are now skin tight but still pulled down enough for me to view the boxers below? I have to say, I don’t care for it this way either. The thing that was really surprising is that the guy sporting this fashion statement seemed to be around 26 or so. I could be off but he definitely was not a teenager. Chris just naturally does the baggy jeans thing sans showing the boxers but that’s just because his jeans don’t fit him properly. Maybe we’ll have to look into the skin-tight look for him so that we fit in. Yeah right – don’t think so.

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