Saturday, February 21, 2009

20Feb2009: Day 270: Chris! My Gosh

Happy birthday to Makenna's cousin Elijah who is the big ONE years old today. Wish we could be there to celebrate and watch you eat your birthday cake~

Well, today was another day of frustration for me. Just when I thought I learned to let the little things go, they all seemed to pile up on me to create a huge wall that topples on top of me and I have to claw my way out of the rubble. In my clawing, everything and everyone is a target for my wrath.

I was trying to get Makenna and myself ready to take a trip up to see Chris as he’s been gone all week (hence the foundation to my wall). As I’m trying to get things into the car, Makenna is furiously going around and pulling things out and all over. So the toys are now all around (only about five or six toys really,) and the movies from under the tv stand were all around. Then I asked Makenna to do something or stop doing something, I can’t even remember but she didn’t listen and ended up on the naughty step. After about 10 – 12 minutes of waiting for her to say “sorry” she finally got up and helped me pick up the movies. Then when I was trying to get her in the car she was fighting me. I realized a lot of this has to do with her being tired. In fact, I had to stop to get gas and by the time I filled the car, and paid, she was asleep.

The trip up took about 30 minutes longer than it should have. Traffic at a couple of spots are really horrible. One place is about two miles before a tunnel. This is always crowded as everyone is trying to cram into the toll booths. The second place was for no apparent reason. All of a sudden the traffic just stops. Then after 20 minutes it picks up again and people just start flying. I just don’t understand it. It’s like people must stop and stare at the sky or something and then decide to go. It’s extremely frustrating. There’s no accident (which is good,) and no construction. Just occasionally another lane is merging in but they’re merging onto a four lane motorway so this shouldn’t make everyone stop. I guess maybe there was an accident and it was all cleaned up by the time I got to it but I have no idea. And of course, I’m trying to weave into lanes that seem to go faster but that lane all of a sudden decides to stop dead cold. It is only me this happens to? I swear it seems that way.

We finally got to Millbrook which is the place Chris was at and we picked him up and went to dinner. It was actually a pretty decent dinner. I only wish the rest of the night had gone better. We got to our hotel room and the bed for Makenna wasn’t made up. We called housekeeping and they came and fixed it. It was actually quite early, but we decided to try and go to bed as we were all tired. That didn’t work out too well. Makenna was not willing to stay in bed. She kept crying so Chris and I kept taking turns lying down with her but every time we got up she’d cry again. Then at around midnight, we lost power to half of the room so the heater went out. Chris tried fixing it but had to call housekeeping again. If I hadn’t forgotten Makenna’s blanket I think she would’ve slept better, and if I hadn’t forgotten my pillow I would’ve slept better. Makenna usually doesn’t give us a problem at these places once we turn the light off so I have to think that it was her blanket that was the key.

One funny thing that happened when we first got to the hotel was another saying from Makenna. Chris had forgotten the key to the room (this was the room he had been staying in all week,) so he had to go up front to get another one. Makenna didn’t follow him at first but then took off running after him and started yelling, “CHRIS!” and then she muttered, “My gosh!” as if in exasperation for not waiting for her. She said the same thing again as she continued to run after him. I guess that’s another thing I can say she probably learned from me.

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