Sunday, September 14, 2008

14Sept2008: Day 112: Hair!

Today, after Makenna's bath, I could actually comb her hair and....she had a snarl. I realize it's not earth-shattering news by any means but as most of those who read this knows, my girl hardly has hair. She's almost two and we have the same bottle of shampoo from when she was a newborn. She still doesn't have a whole lot of hair but it was pretty neat to get to be able to comb some hair. I'm sure I'll probably regret being able to comb it as time goes on as she'll most likely whine and complain as I have to comb through it. I remember being young and not liking my hair brushed.

Makenna also took the opportunity to say "hooray" when the hymn was done in church today. I think she was happy that it was the last one, meaning it was almost time to go home. Daddy had to take her out for a bit as it's too hard to sit still a whole hour.

Speaking of church, I received a calling today. For those of you that read this from my church you'll find this calling is enrichment specialist. It's like I never left the states! I had that same calling at church before I left. The difference is I have to plan something every month instead of just once a quarter. Luckily, they already have the rest of the year planned out so hopefully I'll only have to come up with ideas for next year. I have to coordinate and make sure things come into place for the activities that are planned so far. I was lucky to go without a calling for the past three months, but I think it's interesting how I got the same one.

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