Monday, September 1, 2008

1Sept2008: Day 99: That's not Daddy

Today the son of the owner of the house came by to take care of the "garden" (lawn). I went out to get the laundry off the line and Makenna stuck her head out and yelled "Chris!?" He looked at me, as his name happens to be Chris and I was laughing. I said, you just happen to have the same name as her father. He asked if she every looks any different as every time he sees her she's always full of smiles and happy. I said, she is always happy to see someone other than me, she sees me all day.

Other than that, the day was the same as most weekdays. After lunch, Makenna looked at me and said "nap?" I wanted to put her down at her request but this was before the owner's son was coming and I was afraid he'd wake her when he came. So she laid down on the floor in the dining room where the sun was coming through the sliding glass doors. I let her lay there for a bit and then she got up and had her second wind, until her usual afternoon nap time.

If we have other children, I can only pray and hope that God blesses us with another child that sleeps as well as she does and not like my one brother's little girl who just doesn't believe in sleep it seems.

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