Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16Sept2008: Day 114: Oops - Dropped

It was bound to happen....Makenna broke a corel dish that doesn't belong to us. I was not too happy to say the least. It was only a small one but we don't have many dishes that we can use in the microwave or store food in. Now we have one less. Then, she wouldn't stay out of the danger zone. If she happened not to be trying to walk into the mess, then she was making another one some place else. All the while, I was trying to make sure dinner didn't burn. Chris, unfortunately, was not home yet. My patience wore extremely thin at this point. I had to sweep and then vacuum up to make sure I got all of the pieces as we walk barefoot in the kitchen quite often.

I think part of the problem was that I went to the gym in the afternoon (as the nursery was full in the morning), which set me off my schedule. Then when I got home I couldn't get into the shower as there was an electrician at the house. He needed to install an outdoor outlet and it took him over an hour and by that time, it was too late for Makenna to have an afternoon nap and for me to get in a shower. Nothing like stewing in your own sweat for a few hours.

On a positive note, the new website for family history that I wrote about some weeks ago is now up and on-line as of today. I got into it a couple of times, when I could squeeze it in, and it is pretty different. So far, all I had to do was add Chris as my spouse, and my mom's parents and all this other information filled in. They already had Makenna listed under me as we're members of the church, and my parents. So it'll be neat to go through the information to see what information they had that I hadn't yet found previously and to be able to connect to others doing the same ancestry work on the family.

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