Tuesday, September 2, 2008

2Sept2008: Day 100: Rain Rain Go Away

Very dark, rainy day until about 4pm. Makenna and I got fairly wet just walking from the car to the gym. It doesn't help when she wants to drive and I'm trying to get her into the car seat and she's doing the stiff rigid body pose in defiance. I obviously won out but was pretty wet in the process.

We went swimming and any more, she just wants to sit on the steps and play around. If she sees other kids bring in swim toys, then she has to have them. She starts screaming if she doesn't get her way. I just re-direct her and tell her to stop screaming. Plus, after about 10 minutes, she wants to get out. That's a lot of energy wasted to get her and myself dressed to swim and then back into our clothes for 10 minutes of swim time. So she doesn't win in that either. I try and stay at least 20 minutes. I do have to say, that some days, it certainly seems the terrible two's have started creeping their way in back at 18 months. Hopefully that means it will end 6 months early. Probably not though.

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