Today was pretty busy. We got up late (8am), and would've slept longer if I didn't have to get the garbage out. Makenna woke up in the middle of the night, from 4am - 5am. Just chatting away. She did start to cough at one point, and I went into her room twice. The first time was to tell her that it was still night time and she had to sleep, and to cover her with blankets. That worked for Chris when he did it. The second time was when she was coughing I wanted to make sure she didn't get sick all over so I went in to sit her up but she didn't want to. So then I just covered her up again. She just talked herself back to sleep.
We went to play group and she again would stand over kids who were in the flintstone car, as I like to call it, hoping they would get out. She eventually got in it a couple of times. She also actually sat still for the song time. I cleverly put on her shoes during that time so that she'd have to sit on my lap. She also got an opportunity to paint. The first time she's ever painted. I made sure she wore clothes that I didn't care if she got paint on, but the
y also had paint smocks. She seemed to like it but couldn't decide what medium she liked. She kept going between paint, crayon, and pencil - all of which were red as you can see. She did get some on her and me, but it happened more when she was trying to wash her hands. She would grab on to me and I was like aaagghhh. Hopefully this is washable paint. I hung it on the refrigerator and she's always saying dooodle-do, for cock-a-doodle-do (her version of it) when she sees it.

Then it was to run errands and home for a quick nap. After dinner, we went to church as they had something going on for the women again, but this time for all 3 wards at once. Surprise, surprise, it was still a small turn out. Maybe 15 people. I would find that very disheartening, but oh well. After I dropped Hannah's mom back at her house, I got home, and realized that i forgot my coat, with the house keys back at the church. So I hurried back hoping that someone was still there and thank goodness they were. I'd hate to think who I'd have to get to let me in the house or at least back in the church to get my keys.
As for the title of the post, if you recall some time ago, I wrote how everything was "hot" to Makenna. Well, lately, things have been fluffy and then they would fly. So, if she saw a dog, she'd say, "fluffy, fluffy" then "fly" making a gesture with her hand as if it was flying. So I then tell her "doggies don't fly, they walk". She now, will say, as we're eating breakfast, "frog, walk". I then have to tell her how frogs hop like bunnies. Well, now she'll say "frog, frog" and I'll say, "where's the frog?" and she'll say, "Hi-Seek" (Hide & Seek). So I say, "oh, that's why mommy can't see it, it's playing Hide & Seek" Then she'll say "walk" or "fly" depending on her mood. This seems to be our usual routine lately.
Chris is feeling 90% better, he says, although he sounds really congested. I'm doing better, not 100% but not on as much ibuprofen as I have been, and Makenna, well, she's always doing well as long as she's getting her way. Hopefully tomorrow will bring even more health.
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