Monday, June 16, 2008

16June2008: Day 22: Boring Day

Well, no new and exciting trips for us today. Makenna and I walked into Maidstone and did our usual shopping. Just bought a few essentials really. It was a perfect day for walking as the humidity was low and the sun was shining. So I didn't have sweat dripping off of me by the time I got the the shopping center. It was a good day to get a couple of loads of laundry done too.

On a good note, it looks like we will be moving this weekend into Gillingham. So that will give Makenna and I new scenery when we go out walking. We'll have to go into the shopping areas and check them out. I know there's a park not too far down the road - like 2 minutes - and it's bigger. So that will be good. The first thing we have to do is buy her a ball. She tries taking other kids balls when they fall near her and since "football" (soccer) is such a huge thing here, taking one of those is like asking for a death sentence.

I did also take a small "side" trip as we were walking home from downtown. There's an area called "subway" and I had asked some ladies from church where that leads to. They told me that it isn't a subway as in transport, but just takes you under the road, like an underground path to the other side or along the Medway to walk along the river. So I tried it. I think it is quicker to just cross the street the old fashioned way.

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