Today is Teri and my 5th wedding anniversary. It doesn't seem like it has been 5 years, but the engraving in my wedding ring says that is was! We bought tickets to Wicked! that we will be going to this coming Wednesday. It is supposed to be the number one show in London right now. So, we agreed that we wouldn't get anything special for each other besides that, but Teri got me a card that was nice. I forgot to get her a card...ugh. But, I am taking off all week, so, hopefully, that will allow my brain to work better! We will go out to eat one night this week, but I don't want to stick my parents with Makenna until they are more acclimated to her antics. We are giving her antibiotics right now and she doesn't like it much, so I want to get through that as well.
Today we got onto the train at Gillingham and went to London Charring Cross station and then hiked over to
Westminster. We had hoped that Dad's collar (he is a priest for those of
you who don't know) would have gotten us all in for free, but no such luck. But, wow, is that place worth every pence! It is wall to wall ancient tombs, carved statues, and monuments. There is more ancient stuff in there than any museum you can go to. The other cathedrals pale in comparison to this place. Most others have probably 5 to 6 major pieces of art, this place has hundreds. They had an audio guide that was very well done as well. King Henry VII tomb is there as well as 10 or 15
other kings and queens. Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Mary I tombs are also there. They were half sisters and daughters of King Henry VIII and adversaries in life, but they are buried together in death.
Cromwell was even buried there for about two years, but after his death the Royals took back over and exhumed his body and put it up on a pole and decapitated it. Real nice. They did leave his daughter's tomb alone that is also there, though, so that was nice. Unfortunately, they don't allow us to take pictures or film in the church, so, I can only show you the outside. But, for some reason, I'm not able to right now...I'll have to try tomorrow.
We also went to the National Gallery where there are a huge number of paintings dating from the 1200's on up to today. Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet, Da Vinci, all the big guys, though, not a lot of any of them. It is a very nice museum, but again the Louvre blows it away as if it were a gnat. Sorry Brits, the French have you beat on museums so far.
We walked a lot and Makenna was very good today. She cried a bit when she was ready for a nap, but we just locked her in the stroller and lowered the back down so that she could lie there and just let her cry. She fell asleep after a few minutes both times. She is a chip hound though...if you let her see potato chips, especially salt and vinegar, she just won't give up on them until she gets some..."Chip! CHIp! CHIIIIPPPPPP!" Ugh. But, Teri actually got her to eat a fruit and fiber bar today on the train home which I was surprised about.
We are going to go down to Canterbury tomorrow for services, though I've seen that Cathedral twice already, it is a nice one and I'm looking forward to going to services with my parents as I haven't done that in years.
Today we got onto the train at Gillingham and went to London Charring Cross station and then hiked over to
Cromwell was even buried there for about two years, but after his death the Royals took back over and exhumed his body and put it up on a pole and decapitated it. Real nice. They did leave his daughter's tomb alone that is also there, though, so that was nice. Unfortunately, they don't allow us to take pictures or film in the church, so, I can only show you the outside. But, for some reason, I'm not able to right now...I'll have to try tomorrow.
We also went to the National Gallery where there are a huge number of paintings dating from the 1200's on up to today. Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Monet, Da Vinci, all the big guys, though, not a lot of any of them. It is a very nice museum, but again the Louvre blows it away as if it were a gnat. Sorry Brits, the French have you beat on museums so far.
We walked a lot and Makenna was very good today. She cried a bit when she was ready for a nap, but we just locked her in the stroller and lowered the back down so that she could lie there and just let her cry. She fell asleep after a few minutes both times. She is a chip hound though...if you let her see potato chips, especially salt and vinegar, she just won't give up on them until she gets some..."Chip! CHIp! CHIIIIPPPPPP!" Ugh. But, Teri actually got her to eat a fruit and fiber bar today on the train home which I was surprised about.
We are going to go down to Canterbury tomorrow for services, though I've seen that Cathedral twice already, it is a nice one and I'm looking forward to going to services with my parents as I haven't done that in years.
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