Today was another busy day. We went to play group and picked up Hannah and family. I took this picture while they were in the car as it was so cute that they automatically just started to hold hands.
Makenna was a bit lethargic at playgroup and later tonight she felt a bit warm, so I'm nervous she's getting sick...yet again. I hope I'm wrong. She did cheer up when the instruments and cookies came out as you can see by this picture (she's saying cheese in this picture).

We got home, ate lunch and then went to the gym. When I picked her up from the nursery, they were just having snack and it was apples and raisins and I asked if she was eating any, and they said she ate some of the raisins. I was like, "really? Good to know." I don't know why this kid will eat other food while she's out or around others, but at home, she puts up a fuss. I basically give her one meal at dinner and if she doesn't eat it...too bad. Breakfast is usually cereal, or leftover pancakes from the weekend. Once in a while egg. Lunch she usually wants "ooose" or noodles. I typically let her have noodles but I found this baby vegetable puree that I mix in with them so that she gets some vegetables. She will usually have yogurt or cereal as a snack. I also buy fruit, mostly melon fruit, and she'll typically eat that. I've tried other fruits and she'll typically say no and won't even try. Or if she tries, she'll spit it out. She eats apples and bananas sporadically.
The other thing was Makenna counting today. When I push her on the swing, I'll have her count to three with me. I usually say "one," and she'll say "two" and then I ask what comes after two and I usually have to drag it out of her to say three but today she hopped right to "five." Then later I heard her counting, I don't remember why, but I heard her say "one, two, five, six, nine."
She's also starting to recognize some shapes. Mostly circles. I can thank that on "Baby Einstein" videos.
I forgot to mention a couple of new words that I learned yesterday during the Christmas shoe box thing. When we were putting them together, people started saying, "put a flannel" in the box. I looked at what they referred to as a flannel and it was a washcloth. I was like, "that's new to me." Then for an eraser, they call it a rubber. The sad thing is that I'm starting to use some of their words and I can't think of the words we use back at home at times.
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