Then we stopped back at the house to see if Chris's parents wanted to go to Leeds castle but they wanted a day of left Makenna with them again and we took off. (Some day of rest!)
We decided to go back to Leeds. We've wanted to do the maze since the first time we went back in June. Our admission back in June covers us for a year to go back as many times as we want and it's only a half an hour away. It was a beautiful Fall day to go as you can

I like this one on the above. If you look through the trees, you can see the castle.

The maze was fun. It took is a bit to get through it, but we did it.
The face with the red eyes and greenish hue was under the maze. You didn't really have to find you're way out. You just followed a path underneath to get out.
Then we decided to try and find someplace to eat, but couldn't really decide so Chris said we should go to the movie theater and gauge what we want to do depending on what time a movie was playing that we'd want to see. Well, we got there around 5:30pm and a movie was playing at 5:45. So we decided to see it. It's weird because they give you assigned seats and the theater was practically empty. We didn't mind our seats so we stayed put. You have to sit through 20 minutes of ads and 10 minutes of previews. Has the states got this bad with ads and movies? I know that there would be a few the last couple of times I saw movies in the states but 20 minutes worth?!?!?
We found a Mexican food place after, that was right in the same plaza, but they were booked up for the night so there was a Chinese buffet right next door and it was after 8pm so we just ate their. I wished we could've gone some place different, but it was still nice to eat in peace (without a child screaming to walk around). I can't wait to go home and eat at one of our buffets. We have more flavorful food and we don't have seaweed! I don't get why people eat it!?! I tried it and it's crunchy, unflavored food. I asked someone once why they eat it since it has no flavor and he said as a vegetable. I'm not sure if he was joking.
I guess grandma and grandpa had a pretty good time with Makenna. They took her to the park for a bit. Makenna seems to be in this klutzy stage lately. She falls into things or falls down period. I'm not sure if some of it is to get attention or not. She does play it up though either way. We'll have a little drama queen on our hands that's for sure. She's also now saying "see you later" in a bit of an English accent (instead of "see you soon"). When she's been saying goodnight, before going to bed, that's when she says it.
One last thing that happened today was that Chris mentioned how people over here have a hard time understanding us. I said, well that's fair enough, I have a hard time understanding them sometimes. Today, when Chris and I were in Chatham, they were selling hot dogs with bacon on a roll. The bacon being Canadian bacon (I think that's what they call it,) where it's fat slices not the thin crispy strips that we eat in the states. So Chris went up and asked for two bacon hot dogs. Well, the girl put on two pieces of bacon with a hot dog and handed it to him. As she was doing it, he tried correcting her in what he meant but she still didn't get it. So I just said, "I'll have the same, except with one piece of bacon." Who knew we'd have a language barrier in England!
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