Wednesday, October 8, 2008

8Oct2008: Day 136: Poop!

I realize the past couple of days have been somewhat about Poop since Makenna has had a runny abundance of it, but today, she had none...Yeah! The real reason I put that as the title though was because we were outside in the backyard and there's a birdbath that she can't resist getting in to.

So I finally said to her, "Makenna, that's where birds poop, it's gross, don't play in it, and DON'T put your mouth on it!" She started cracking up laughing and started saying "poop!" For the next 5 minutes or so, she kept just saying "poop" and laughing her head off. I guess it was good in re-directing her but it again got me thinking of how kids find the sounds of bodily functions funny as they grow older, and some never seem to grow out of it, but how at almost two, does Makenna know that it's potty humor--to use an appropriate metaphor. I guess maybe it just sounds funny?

I was also happy because Makenna actually asked for bread and she ate some rice. So there was no having to sneak food in other forms of food to help her digestion. The problem now is fighting her and holding her down like a prisoner to force antibiotics down. More gets out of her mouth from her spitting it out then down her throat, but I'm of the mind set, as long as she gets a little, it's better than none. Hopefully it will kill this congested cough of hers. I even told the pharmacist that she's never been so sick until we've moved here. Granted she plays with a lot of kids and goes to play groups and the nursery so she's exposed to a lot more germs than she was when we were back in the states.

Today was a beautiful Fall day. We walked to play group in the afternoon. Well, I walked, she rode in the stroller. It was cool, but not cold and the sun was shining. It's a wonderful change from the past cold weekend. I was able to get a couple loads of laundry done and hung out.

Then tonight after giving Makenna a bath, where by the way, I gave her her medicine (figuring that she could get it through osmosis if not by mouth), we came down stairs and she wanted to sit on my lap and lean against me as she watched a movie. I absolutely loved being able to spend that time with her. I know that in another 10-13 years, she'll probably want nothing to do with me as she'll be in her teen years. So I try to enjoy every moment like this as possible.

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