Friday, October 17, 2008

16Oct2008: Day 143: Meerkat Award

Today was just a day at home. I got some cleaning done and five loads of laundry and still have at least 3 more to do. The clothes line can only hold about two to three loads so the others will have to wait until tomorrow if it's nice outside, or unless we go somewhere, which I hope.

We waited for a plumber all darn day who never showed. That was extremely frustrating. I wanted Chris to call and ask when or if he was even coming and to tell him we have a life. Chris said that he'd probably say the same thing. True, but it's like the whole Cable Guy thing but this guy never shows.

Plus Makenna was miserable for most of the morning. Trying to still get over this stuffy head cold she has. Once I found one of those punching balloons and gave it to her, her whole world was bright.

Chris had to go into work this afternoon for an awards ceremony. It's called the Meerkat award and he actually gets a small meerkat statue. It's supposed to symbolize a group working together and great effort, looking out for one another. If you've ever seen Meerkat Manor on Animal Planet, you can see how the meerkat's look out for one another and work together, especially when defending against rivals. Going into work meant that he didn't get home until about 8:30pm though!~

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