Thursday, October 30, 2008

30Oct2008: Day 157: Come On!

Took Makenna swimming with her Dora swimming ring today. She enjoyed it. She was quite the friendly child today too. While we were in the pool, there was an older boy in the pool (maybe 4 years old), and Makenna kept waving and saying hello to him. Then as I'd take her swimming around, away from the steps, she'd wave and say bye, bye, and "see you later." Then we'd come back to the steps and she'd say "hello" again. It was quite cute and funny.

She's also starting to say some words a little more clear. Today she said "garbage" much clearer. Usually it came out sounding like "garbf" but today it was gar bige, with the pause between. Then she kept trying to say fox again, and we're trying to encourage her to say the ending clearer as when she says it, it sounds as though she's swearing.

After dinner, I offered her the last of her birthday brownie. Daddy kept asking her to share and he'd say, "come on, let daddy have some." So Makenna would just say back to him "come on." It's also cute to watch her try and sing itsy bitsy spider. You can understand some of it. She has this way of getting you to sing the song. She starts it, and then as you pick it up to sing it, she stops and lets you do it. She does it with most of the songs. She won't sing the whole song through. I guess she figures she has some other sucker doing it for her.

Late this afternoon it started to rain and actually thunder and lightening. This was the first time Chris and I had heard and seen it here, the thunder and lightening that is. It would be nice if it's like this tomorrow night as it's Halloween and we're not sure if we have enough candy. Plus, Chris has to go out of town for the day and he might not make it back until late so I might have to deal with hooligans all by myself.

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