Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21Oct2008: Day 148: Downtown Chatham

Makenna said the cutest thing today when I picked her up from the nursery at the gym. As she was leaving she said, "bye bye everybubby" (everybody). I was just laughing quietly to myself.

In the afternoon, after lunch, we went to downtown Chatham to find the pound store I talked about yesterday. I found a parking space in a parking ramp and of course it was at the wrong end of High Street. I had to walk clear down to the other end to get to the store. It gave me a chance to see all the stores as I've never been on High St. in Chatham before. I was also able to pick up a couple more empty shoe boxes.

Makenna did fairly well in behaving in the store, even though she was out of her cart. She got to shampoos and found ones with Winnie the Pooh on it and that's where I lost her. I had to physically pick her up and she started her screaming bit of "Walk!" We left their shortly after and as we were walking back to the car, she walked into a jewelry store on her own. I had to go get her and she screamed "walk" again and I put her down when we got outside the store. She splayed herself out on the ground in front of the store and I said, as I was walking away, "when you feel you're alright, get up and come with me." I obviously didn't go too far and she eventually got up.

As we walk were walking up and down High St., she kept wanting to get into her stroller, but she would say "chip, chip" as she did so. When I told her I didn't have any chips she then didn't want to have anything to do with the stroller. It seems as though we've created a stroller/chip connection. It's our own fault. When we're out seeing things, and we want her to calm down and sit in the stroller, we offer her chips. I kept telling her today that I didn't think to bring any chips as we just got done eating lunch. So it was a never ending process between the her wanting to walk, but then wanting to get into the stroller until she found out I didn't have any chips. I finally did have to buckle her in the stroller and let her be mad. I knew part of it was that she was tired and needed her nap.

I hope to maybe go back to downtown...by myself...and do a little shopping. Maybe before Chris's parents leave, but they're still up North currently. When we were leaving the parking garage, I couldn't find where we pay, so I figured that we just pay as we exit. I got to the exit and there was still no place to pay. I tried backing up and I realized that wasn't going to help, so I just pulled over into the spots that said "staff parking." As I got out, a staff person came out of the office and I asked "where the heck do you pay for this?" He pointed me towards some doors that I had to walk through. So I had to get Makenna out, go pay, then get us all back in, back the car up and put the card in the slot showing I paid. Ridiculous! You think they'd have a sign saying where to go to pay. The only sign I saw was saying, make sure you pay.

One last thing, that just happened now...as I was sitting here typing this, we had kids outside who were busting up glass, I guess someones garbage, and laughing and running away. The fear was that they hit someones car with a glass bottle or something as a lot of people park on the streets here. It's sad to see that kids can be the same trouble makers every where in the world. I'm just glad we have a driveway and it's pretty dark so they probably can't even tell there's a car there. Chris said he saw someone go out and check their car and then run up the street after the kids, so someone may have very well had damage.

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