Wednesday, October 29, 2008

29Oct2008: Day 156: Fried Goat

Bye bye to grandma and grandpa Jones. We hope they arrive home safe and sound to all the snow and we'll see you in a little while. Makenna was not having a good morning. We were guessing that she saw all the suitcases and was not too happy about it. As soon as everyone left, she was much better.

We went to a play group at the church. I unfortunately forgot some toys for Makenna but it didn't matter because they just got toys out from the nursery. I guess last week when kids brought their own toys, they had a hard time sharing. This way, the toys were communal. All the kids, except one, were older than Makenna but she was just as tall if not taller. She had a hard time joining in. They were running around but she just sat back and watched. Then when they were done, she got up and ran around.

After, we went shopping for groceries. I was surprised she did so well as it was lunch time. It wasn't until the last five minutes that she started begging for ooosse (noodles). So I started telling her that we were just checking out and then we could go home and get noodles. Then I followed up with "sounds good?" As we got to our car she kept saying "fried goat, fried goat". At least that's what I understood. I started racking my brains as to what she was saying, and then it dawned on me..."sounds good." She then agreed that's what she was saying. I tried pronouncing it slower and showing her how to say it, but it still sounded like she was saying fried goat.

On the way home, she fell asleep. So after I put groceries away, I got her out of the car and fed her her noodles. Very shortly after, she went down for her nap. After three hours, I finally woke her up. I was nervous about doing this as I may have said before, she is miserable if we wake her up, but if she wakes up on her own, she's fine. I've found though, that if I say her name, and turn on a light outside of the room (as now it's dark at 5pm), and take care of other things outside of her room, she then wakes herself up gradually and seems to be in a happier mood. This doesn't always work but it did today.

She got a very nice birthday card from Donna (thanks Donna!) of Winnie the Pooh and it makes noises when you open the card. She absolutely loved the card. I'm afraid she's going to rip it eventually but for now she's learned to open and close it to get it to say "Hip Hip Hooray, it's your Birthday".

She also took a bath tonight with her new foam letters. She loved the tub full of them and kept saying "letters, letters". She liked the squeaky noise they made under her fingers and I had to keep her from chewing them. As soon as we were done with the bath, she said "bath time". This girl is going to be a fish.

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