Wednesday, May 13, 2009

13May2009: Day 352: Laugh Now Child

It's hard to believe that we only have a week left before we return home to the states. There were a few days that I longed to go home and days where I felt like I could actually stay longer if needed.

The problem is all the stuff that I feel needs to get done before we go. It just seems to pile up and it overwhelms me to the point of not wanting to do anything. I want to be sure to get every bit of "play" time in for Makenna. That meant going to the gym nursery, then swimming, and then after lunch off to play group.

I made sure that we said goodbye to the personnel at the gym nursery as today was the last time they were watching her. They commented on how much she's grown from last June, not only physically, but verbally.

Swimming was again Makenna vying for freedom from my arms to do it on her own. That meant she went under quite a few times but I was there to lift her back up. No kids came today to play so it was just her and I. Luckily, someone left a "woggle" (water noodle as we call it,) and so we got to practice with it. She typically doesn't like to use it during class so it was a good chance to try and get her to feel comfortable with it. Now hopefully she'll be a bit more willing to use it tomorrow during class.

Play group was it's usual chaos. There's the one little boy who seems to make every child uncomfortable and his mother constantly yelling after him. He gets too violent and pushes everyone around. I don't think he's maliciously doing it but that this is his way to just get what he wants. Plus, his mother isn't always watching him and it's a lot of other mother's reprimanding him. There's also this other little girl that I've only seen there a few times and boy can this girl throw a fit. She only had one today but I've seen her in the past put up quite a fight. It makes me appreciate Makenna even more that her little outbursts are usually due to her being tired and not as intense as this other girl's.

Tonight I tried getting a "jump" on cleaning by dusting this one room a bit more thoroughly than usual and cleaning the windows on the sliding glass door. Unfortunately, I tried doing this with Makenna around and it's like, why bother? She just ended up putting her hands on it again. I told her that she couldn't touch, but that didn't help too much. I finally had her help me put dishes in the dishwasher and that made her happy. Plus, this child laughs at me every time I do some cleaning. She finds it funny that I clean. I keep telling her, "laugh now child, you won't find it funny when you're older and it's your chore to do."

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