Friday, May 8, 2009

30Apr2009: Day 339: And So It Begins…Again

Yup…this was the longest we went without being sick since July and now Makenna is back into being sick and whiny to boot. She’s got a runny nose and probably a stuffed up head. She is just very “fragile” and everything sets her off to cry; more so tonight than during the day. We were too busy for her to really think about crying during the day.

I had to drop books and audio cd’s off to the library then we headed off to singing and dancing. She was a bit lethargic there so I knew it was coming (the illness). She played at the park and then we stopped at the grocery store on the way home for a couple of things and went home and ate lunch.

We had to then race out the door to get to swim class. She wanted to just play and sit on the steps but I promptly told her that we would go home and she would go down for a nap unless she listened to the teacher and we finished the class (she was screaming to try and get her way). She then straightened up for the most part and finished the class. She really enjoyed when the teacher had her go under water to swim to me. She was also very excited to have the other little boy have his turn to do the same and kept saying, “Bobby’s turn.”

There were also two more in the class which must have joined while we were away. Unfortunately, we only have a couple more weeks left of class but I hope to find something back in the states for her.

At dinner she was absolutely miserable complaining about this thing or that, that was hurting her. She would cry and whine and say her lip hurt. We would ask her why her lip hurts and then she’d say her back hurts. Then it was on to her eye. It just seemed to never end. Daddy asked her if she wanted medicine and she promptly said yes. I asked him what medicine he planned to give her as she didn’t have a fever and I didn’t feel it was necessary to give her anything. He came up with the good idea of putting apple juice it the medicine dispenser and that calmed her right down. She finally ate a little bit of dinner and was happier…for a while.

She had another new word today that she kept saying which was funny, “dangerush.” Everything was “dangerush” (dangerous). She even applied it to the thought of how I’m always telling her that cars can hurt her and that’s why she needs to stay near mommy when we’re in busy parking lots. She said, “cars can hurt you, it’s dangerush.” I complimented her on how she was very smart and very correct. The downside is that now she’s thinking a lot of things are dangerous and not only that, but a lot of things are naughty. I guess sometimes maybe we go overboard with our warnings but better safe than sorry.

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