Saturday, February 14, 2009

13Feb2009: Day 263: Sigh

This morning was absolutely side-splitting. Chris told Makenna that he was off to work and she put her face into her hands and sighed. Another thing I guess she probably picked up from me.

She must also be hearing some certain phrases from nursery quite a bit. When I picked her up and asked her how nursery went, she came out with, "you hap to share." Usually she tells us "you hap to share with baby," her being baby as she forcefully takes what it is that she's insisting you share. The bad news (somewhat,) I heard as I picked up Makenna was that next week is half-term. This means that kids are out of school for the week and it also means that there’s no playgroup next Wednesday afternoon, nor nursery. So now I have to scramble to see if I can get Makenna into the gym nursery those couple of days – or at least one of them. I probably can, but in the afternoon—Sigh.

Another new word she came out with today was Hella-copper. We were sitting eating lunch in the dining room and I heard a helicopter. I told Makenna that’s what we were hearing, instead of an airplane, something we typically hear, and she copied what I said but much cuter sounding “hella-copper.”

During lunch she also started singing “Monkeys jumping on the Bed.” It was absolutely adorable. Another moment when I wish I had the camera. This was a bit of how it went, “Three monkey’s jumpin’ on bed, one fell off ‘n bump head, mommy …….(something unintelligible,) NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPIN’ ON BED!” She said that last part really sternly. She would then start again with “Three monkey’s…,” what was funny was that she sung it at least three times and each time started with three monkeys.

Well, as far as romance and Valentine’s Day, my husband falls short in that department, unfortunately (sigh). Since I know this, I planned a night out for us. I got a lady from the church to watch Makenna so that he and I could go out to dinner and a movie. I was grateful that Makenna took to her right away. Makenna has seen her at church but never really had extensive time with her in any way.

Chris and I went to a Mexican restaurant which luckily had an opening. They usually take reservations, and one other time we tried in the past to eat there, we were turned away. I couldn’t remember the name of the place nor could I find it on the internet so we just took a chance. I REFUSED to go to the Chinese place if we couldn’t get in, so thankfully we did get in. I had a quesadilla and it was pretty good. Their spicy sauce was lacking so I added more hot sauce to it. We had also gotten tortillas and salsa as an appetizer. Not very many chips and they were not very tasty. The salsa was more tomato than sauce but not bad. Chris had some chorizo, chicken, and pasta bake. It looked good but was actually very greasy. He said it was okay and I had a small bight but was not too impressed. Glad I didn’t order it. I would still go back there again though. The price wasn’t bad and definitely better than Chinese, more flavor.

We then went to see, “Slumdog Millionaire.” It just received a bunch of BAFTA awards here in England this past Sunday. I was a bit nervous that it would really be good. The last time Chris and I went to a movie here, I picked a really bad one which I won’t name. We were both really pleased with the movie though. It was good and I always like movies that give me a chance to really appreciate what I have. This really did that as it shows scenes of growing up in Mumbai India.

What’s still interesting about the movie theaters here, or at least the one in this town, is that it’s assigned seating. When you buy tickets, you can pick what seats you’d like. It’s not like anyone really checks if you’re sitting in the correct seat, and when the movie started, no one moved to a different, open seat. The ads are the other interesting thing. About 10 – 15 minutes of ads – not even movie trailers. I hope it’s not getting that bad in the states. Some of the ads are just downright horrible. This one car company had three ads and all the commercials were probably less than 30 seconds and all stupid.

Makenna was awake when we got home at about 10:45pm – as I expected. I took the babysitter home and Chris got Makenna off to bed. We got a good report so hopefully she’d be willing to watch Makenna again sometime. Plus, she’s free. She refuses payment – Yeah!~

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