Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18Feb2009: Day 268: What Need?

In a nutshell, our day was me vacuuming the house, doing three loads of laundry, taking Makenna swimming, and giving her a bath. Of course, there were little things here and there in between all of that.

Swimming was interesting. The instructor that we had is no longer teaching. The new instructor could only say that she’s filling in for four weeks and then she doesn’t know what’s going to happen. All she knew about the previous instructor is that she’s no longer teaching any classes. Everyone started speculating. My guess is that they realize she wasn’t really testing properly and they found out. I guess another woman knows her or knows someone who knows her and said she’ll find out what happened.

This instructor did try to fit a lot in to the class, which I liked, as it was different. I think a couple of problems arose, at least in my mind. One was that she’s hard to hear over all the kids. Another problem is that the kids are all at different levels so what may work or interest one child definitely doesn’t apply or work for another. I guess that would hold true even if they were at the same level. Makenna actually did pretty well with her arms today. She moved them a bit more than usual. The problem was that this teacher brought out play watering cans. A lot of the kids, like Makenna, only wanted to play with these and do nothing else. So I had to do a lot of finagling to get her to follow the instructor and get the watering can as a prize.

When I gave Makenna a bath tonight, she saw me looking around and asked me, “what need?” As if to ask what is it that I need. I guess I must have asked her this before and she’s now mimicking it back to me. I felt like saying, "well, a spa day would be nice, thanks for asking."

We also had another bout of kicking and hitting mommy today. It was put to rest pretty quickly after sitting on the naughty step and a continuation to sit when she wouldn’t apologize, for another six minutes. Plus, she had her movie taken away. I think that ended the fists of fury…for today.

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