Monday, February 16, 2009

16Feb2009: Day 266: Take That Out of Your Mouth

Today I branched out and let Makenna play with Play Doh after lunch. I put down packing paper (from our move here) on the floor in the dining room and got out some utensils and some cookie cutters. She was happier to pull everything I made into tiny bits. She seems to do that – If I make a tower of three blocks – down they come. If I create something out of play-doh, it appears into small tiny pieces. Makes you wonder what type of job this type of behavior indicates? Splitting atoms?

I didn’t do it for too long as we were supposed to go pick up another car rental and turn this one in and I hadn’t yet taken a shower. Plus, as surprising as this might be to people back at work, making a mess of play-doh all over makes me nervous. It was slowly expanding beyond the paper I put down. I didn’t want it to get ground into the carpet. She liked it when I made a ball out of the play-doh and then threw it up in the air and caught it with a measuring cup. This then became her game of throwing the ball every where. She really laughed and even said, “oh, I still laughing.” Hopefully I’ll loosen up a bit and allow the mess.

We never got the car because when I called the car rental place, the car they were supposed to give us was damaged by the previous person so they were trying to find us another one. Hopefully tomorrow as I filled up the tank with gas assuming I’d be turning it in today.

Makenna has also lately been taking strings that hang from clothing and putting them in the person’s mouth. Today she took the strings from my sweatshirt hood and stuck them in my mouth. After she put it in my mouth she said, “Take that out…dirty.” I knew she could understand me!

She also had that pathetic pouty lip tonight. I think she pinched her finger in a toy. The face just kills me. She could get away with almost anything with that face. Let’s hope she doesn’t continue to use it as she gets into her teens.

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