Thursday, February 26, 2009

26Feb2009: Day 276: My Name is Mommy to you - Not Chris!

I can’t be the only one who is called their husband’s name by their child. At least three times today Makenna came running out to tell me this or that and she yelled, “Chris….” Then whatever it was she had to say. By the third time I said, “My name is mommy to you – not Chris!” It just went over her head. She still talked on about what she needed fixed. Maybe that’s why she was calling me Chris; she thought if it was something that needed fixing that only he can do it. I know that’s not it but I think it’s funny that she just gets so excited and calls whomever Chris.

Before we went to the sing/dance playgroup, we went to ASDA which is Wal-Mart over here. I needed to pick up something that I use to clean that they only seem to have. I think we’ve only been there about three times including today. The last time we were there they were in the process of adding a clothing section to the store. I went today and they actually created a second floor where they put house wares and clothes. What was really cool was how you get up there. They have a shopping cart escalator. It’s like a regular escalator but it doesn’t turn into stairs. It just stays a ramp and you put your shopping cart on it and go up behind it. Not only that, but the cart somehow locks into the grooves on the escalator so it doesn’t slip. I really don’t know how it worked but it was really neat and you couldn’t really push it or pull it, you had to wait until you got to the top for it to release.

Another thing that caught my attention there was paper towels called “Plenty” instead of Bounty. Now, I thought it was weird that it had the same “logo” and thought it was ripping off Bounty or that this was the UK’s version, but then I saw Bounty just below it. I decided to buy “Plenty” and when I got it home I noticed it said on the package that it said, “formerly Bounty.” So my question to you out there is, is Bounty now “Plenty” in the states? I thought this was quite strange when I saw it.

As for my little cherub today, she somehow started to create a back-up of my hard drive on my computer. I walked away to do dishes or take care of something and when I came back she had somehow got a utility up on my computer that creates a back-up and it said it was about to start. Now, I know she can move the mouse a bit but to move it to the start menu and get this program up is not something that I believe she can do. I think there’s “hot keys” as they are called and she somehow has a knack for hitting these keys – whatever they may be. Luckily I was able to cancel it. I just hope there are no “hot keys” to formatting your hard drive or I may be in big trouble one day.

When we got back from the nursery at the gym this afternoon I was putting her down for a nap and we were talking about Kung-Fu Panda. There’s a part near the end where “Master Shefu” seems to be dead but then he says he’s just resting. When I put Makenna down she said, “I’m just resting.” “Okay” I said, “You just rest.” Of course, when I tried to get her up after her nap she said, “no, sleepy bunny.” “Makenna, it’s time to get up for dinner.” “No.” I did get her up.

One last potty update – for some reason when I put her on today and told her to go pee-pee, she just cracked up laughing. She thought I was the funniest thing. I said it again, and got more laughs, but then she was done. The silly things we’ll resort to, to keep your child on the potty.

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