Thursday, February 19, 2009

19Feb2009: Day 269: Snack Time!

I had a bit of a rough patch with Makenna this morning. After we got back from the gym, I decided to do a bit of painting with her. I had bought these Crayola hand paints (little paints that fit in your hand,) a while back and we only used them a couple of times. I got down the packing paper, put it on the kitchen floor and brought them out along with some crayons. She eventually grew tired of it and was getting up to leave so I started to put them away. She screamed “paint!” I told her to sit down and paint then if she wanted. She sat for a couple of minutes then got up so I started to put them away again. This cycle went on about four times when I finally said, “Enough, I’m putting it away.” She really screamed and then hit me. I then blew up and yelled and made her sit on the step. I was upset that I yelled.

I think that lead to my semi-break down while watching a movie. It was while she was napping and I just cried. It felt a bit cathartic but stupid at the same time. Nothing like a child to make you feel very inadequate. It makes me question how could I handle having another one if I can’t handle this one? Oh well, never mind that bit.

The rest of the day was good. I had an “enrichment” meeting at the church tonight. It was about visiting teaching which is where the women go out once a month to visit other women in the church. You give a bit of a spiritual lesson and make sure that they are doing all right and see if there’s a need, whether they tell you or not. The meeting tonight was to talk about the importance of the program and to also give out new assignments. So you got a new partner to go out with and new women to go visit.

The meeting itself was okay. I had done some research and found a cute song and a skit that we performed tonight in the first part. The second part was okay. It was making a refrigerator magnet to show you or remind you if you’ve done your visiting teaching or not. The problem is not all the parts came together. I brought what I was supposed to but unfortunately the other girl couldn’t find all she needed as she just moved the previous week and couldn’t find everything she needed.

Plus, there are a couple of women who, in my opinion, need some growing up to do, and one is much older than me. Without going into specifics all I can think is that something more must be going on than what happened on Sunday to cause these two to be at odds with each other. These two just sat at opposite ends of the room and one was saying things under her breath about the other. Then the one older lady just rolls her eyes when people show up with kids. I had to bring Makenna as Chris is working and this other girl practically always brings hers as her husband doesn’t make it home on time either. I don’t think they’re listening to the lessons about taking offense very well.

What was funny was that when I first got there with Makenna, I was waiting for the girl who runs the thing to show, and when she did, she went out to get tables to set up. She comes in with a table and Makenna immediately says, “Snack time!” I laughed at that. They had one of the girls watch the kids in the nursery and as soon as Makenna came back in, she again said, “snack time.” I finally had to ask someone about having a blessing on the food so that I could give Makenna some. There were different things to pick from and Makenna picked the one chocolate thing. She thought it was a brownie. It was actually a chocolate cake-like thing.

When we got home – late – I noticed a reddish circle on her arm. It looked like a bite mark. I kept trying to ask her if one of the kids bit her. I asked, “Did the baby bite you? Or did Xander bite you?” She was like, “ummm, no.” Then she kept saying, “bite with teeth.” I then asked her again, over and over but she just kept saying no. Then she would say, “dancer” instead of Xander, which I again thought was funny. Since it was only a mark, and no broken skin I didn’t worry about it too much.

Here’s hoping tomorrow is a better day – and a final Happy Birthday to Chris’s dad who celebrates his……. Birthday today (we’ll leave the age blank to protect the innocent).

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