Sunday, February 15, 2009

15Feb2009: Day 265: Cuts Snails

Yesterday, Makenna found a pair of nail clippers and started saying, “cuts snails.” I of course chided Chris in letting her have the clippers but since they were closed, he didn’t feel it a danger. It was cute to hear her saying “cuts snails” though. He then scolded me today as I left her alone with yogurt and "pennies" and he found her putting them in her yogurt.

Makenna is also getting this whimper face when she is either scolded, wants something that we’re saying “No” to, or hurt. It’s a cute, but pathetic looking face. I’ll have to try and capture it on the camera some time. She did it tonight when we were putting her to bed and we were trying to say prayers and she was trying to climb over me to get a book. You see this big lower lip sticking out and sad eyes. It’s so cute you have to laugh but it breaks your heart at the same time. She must practice that in the mirror.

She’s also getting very demanding when the phone rings that she talks. Tonight our friend Walter called (Happy Birthday yesterday Walter,) and she was insistent that she had to talk. I finally let her talk and she walked off with the phone! I can’t wait until she’s thirteen - that should make life interesting. Of course, as Walter says, she’ll probably have her own phone by the time she’s six.

This past week Makenna has been in a habit of eating a big lunch and then nothing for dinner. Yesterday was an exception because she didn’t really eat much of her lunch, so she was willing to eat dinner. The problem with this is that as it gets closer to her bed time, she starts asking for junk food. “Snacks, chockit chips,” are a few of the words that she’s saying right now. She also tries “ice cream and popcorn,” as part of her begging for food. I allow her a yogurt or fruit and some water or juice.

She was pretty good during church as I cooked some noodles and took them for her to eat for lunch. Plus, Hannah wasn’t there. She did get a bit antsy and at one point kept yelling out, “Did you poop?” She asks us questions that we’re supposed to ask her.

Chris also got her to start yelling, “Teri” instead of “Chris.” So yesterday morning I hear, “Teri” and some jabbering, with Chris standing behind her with a big smile. Wait until he starts hearing, “Chris I need money to go out and buy some clothes or new ring tones for my phone,” from her. Then we’ll see how big his smile is.

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