Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24Feb2009: Day 274: Oh, That's Okay

I somehow completely forgot to blog that Makenna has made a bit more progress in potty training. It happened last night while Chris was getting her ready for bedtime. I wrote a couple days ago about how she likes to flush the toilet so Chris has devised a plan to make her sit on the potty before she flushes. She’d still only sit about two seconds and then get up to flush. Well last night, I came up and found her sitting on the toilet seat (training potty seat,) and asking for “tissue” (toilet paper,) so she could wipe. She then wiped, put it in the toilet and flushed.

Now, she didn’t really go but she sat on their longer than two seconds and I was amazed. But of course today, when I tried this whole process with her, I barely got her to sit and all she wanted was the “tissue” so she could throw it in the toilet to flush. She didn’t even want to wipe. So I’ve told Chris that since she seems to respond to his direction better in potty training and that since I have changed 97% of the diapers in her life thus far, he can handle the potty training. Of course, this will be quite hard since he’s not home 97% of the time. He’s usually only home after 7pm and leaves most morning anywhere from 6:30am – 8:30am depending on where he needs to be for the day. But I figure since she’s still taking very small steps, I can continue to try and reinforce what Chris seems to be able to accomplish at night with her. Then of course, tonight she takes a step backwards as she didn’t want to sit on the potty at first, but then did for all of two seconds and just wanted the “tissue” to throw in the toilet. Oh well, we’ll take what we can get as we get it I suppose.

Makenna continues to ask questions that she wants us to ask her. Today after I picked her up from nursery I was trying to ask her if she had fun with the kids and playing, like I usually do and she turns it around and says, “Did you play with kids?” I then repeat the question and she gives me answers. Then she continued, “Did you sit and read stories?” So I say, “oh, did you read stories?” She says, “Did you sing songs?” “Oh, did you sing songs?” It’s like I need to ask the proper questions that she wants to answer and if I don’t she’ll be sure and prompt me to the correct questions to ask.

More sayings that she’s picked up and says frequently is “Oh, that’s okay,” when she drops things. Or another one she’s been saying is, “you stay here, I be right back.” Then she starts to head up the stairs or today, even tried to go outside. One of these times, she may very well get herself out the door as she says, “you stay here, I be right back.” Probably hear this a lot more when she’s a teenager I’m sure.

One thing I have noticed that she has stopped – thank goodness – is banging her head when she’s mad or upset. But she has picked up the habit again of choking herself with her fingers down her throat. She did it yesterday and again today. Not sure if it’s because she’s getting a cold, yet again and the feeling in her throat is weird and this is how she deals with it or if she just forgot the sensation and found it again to be new and different. Hopefully she’ll stop doing this again as quickly as she picked it back up, until then, “Oh, that’s okay.”

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