Sunday, December 14, 2008

14Dec2008: Day 202: Dead, bloated frog

We now have a household full of sick people. It's just a joyous occasion. We're praying very hard that we'll all be healthy for our trip home. Chris decided to stay home to nurse his illness and later in the day, when he was feeling better, he had to go clean out this fountain like thing that is the back yard. It's in the shape of a big vase and it has a motor that causes the water to run over it. He had told the owner that he would take out the motor to it before winter. While he was cleaning it out, he came upon a dead, bloated frog in it. So that added to our fears of new illnesses.

Makenna is exhibiting signs of being a two year old. Today, while sitting on daddy's lap, she looked at him with this sideways glance and then proceeded to pour her cup of water on him. Not sure what possessed her to do this. But I do notice that she will do this sideways glance or look straight at me and do something that she knows clearly that she shouldn't do. I also don't know how kids come out of childhood without having a misshapen head. This girl hits her head more than I can count. Whether she chooses to in frustration or anger, or if she's just being clumsy or daring.

As for yesterday and the explanation of the ferry ride...Over 15 years ago, Chris and I had gone up to RI to visit my aunt and uncle and their two little boys (now both graduated from high school). We decided to go to Block Island and had to take a ferry boat over. It was a very rainy, windy day (similar to yesterday) and the boat ride was an adventure. Actually, I think the ride over wasn't rainy but very windy. The boat rocked from side to side and many, many, many people were getting sick. There were people who stayed in their cars and were getting sick in their cars. Others were just getting ill in the cabin area. We, Chris, myself, my uncle Richard, and his son Kyle (who was about 5 I think,) all stayed outside and just watched the horizon. We made it "unscathed" so to say. As we were leaving the boat someone got sick and Kyle said, "Daddy, I'm hungry." We all laughed. We decided to pick up some Dramamine for all of us on the way back - it was definitely raining on the way back. We had to huddle under the deck, where the cars were parked (we didn't bring a car on the boat,) and you could actually see the ocean waves coming up and over the side of this huge boat. I really thought we'd tip over! Chris had to hang on to me at one point as the boat was tipping to one side, and I was starting to fall to that side. So you can now see why the idea of going on a ferry boat for this trip yesterday initially made me a bit weary. Especially since it was windy and very rainy.

I bought a couple of muffins before we got on the boat (we didn't have time for breakfast at home,) and after a few bites I realized that maybe eating before getting on the boat may not be the best idea. Makenna was quite upset that we stopped her from eating her "muffit." It wasn't until the last 10-15 minutes that the ride got a bit tipsy. Of course, that was the time I chose to change Makenna's diaper. As I got up, the boat started to rock a bit and I was carrying her and went into a pole and then I got my composure and started walking towards the bathrooms again. It started to rock again and this time I fell into the seat of someone who luckily was not there at the time. I sat there for a moment hoping the rocking of the boat would end, and the guy who's seat I was sitting in came over and helped me up and helped me walk with Makenna in my arms, to the bathroom.

Since we had stopped Makenna's "muffit" eating, and we realized this boat ride wasn't going to be so bad, we did buy her another one (the first one was still in the car and we weren't going to go down to get it.) Of course, that didn't stop her from asking throughout the day for another one.

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