Wednesday, December 24, 2008

24Dec2008: Day 212: Time to Pray

Tonight we went to Chris's church for their usual Christmas Eve services. They've changed it over the years and they no longer have a midnight mass (thank goodness). They have a cute little play that the kids do about the birth of Christ. Makenna was fairly well behaved during it, but then when the actual service started she started to get antsy. I ended up taking her downstairs where the toys are. Before that though, she would hear the people singing and after they stopped singing, she would say, "time to pray." It was really cute to hear. I guess she's used to that from my services. After I thought about it, we typically sing three songs on a Sunday and after each song, there's a prayer.

People came up to us after and were shocked to see how much she's grown in six months. I was surprised at how out-going, for the most part, that Makenna was. She was running up and saying "hi" to kids and saying "goodbye" to other people. We did have one little incident that happened while there. Chris picked up Makenna to show someone how she's grown and as he was holding her he turned to me and said, "she's getting wet." So I lifted up her dress and sure enough I could then see that his arm was getting wet. I didn't expect her to be so wet as I had just changed her a couple of hours earlier and she only had one drink, but I guess she had saved it up as she wasn't too wet after her nap.

We headed home for dinner and my sister-in-law Jessica has a tradition from her family of eating a chocolate cheesecake on Christmas Eve. Now that's a tradition I could get in to! It was really good - Makenna had it all over her hands and face, and of course, I had just given her a bath prior to that. Oh well, at least she enjoyed it.

I had to put in these two cute pictures of Makenna's cousin Elijah. He's 10 months old.

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