Sunday, December 7, 2008

7Dec2008: Day 195: Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be?

So guess who's getting sick...AGAIN~! Is this misery ever going to end? She's in fairly good spirits but I'm sure that tomorrow will be another story. Hopefully I'm wrong. She's getting a runny nose and had a slight fever tonight. I swear she just had a week's reprieve and it starts again. I think a quarantine from Hannah might be in order. I think they're just passing it back and forth between themselves.

Although, from Thursday, Hannah looked quite well today. Her and Makenna didn't hang out as much the last hour of church as they usually do. But when we got to church and put Makenna in nursery Hannah was there and she right away was saying, "Wakka, Wakka" That's what she calls Makenna because she can't say "Makenna."

Here's the video of Hannah from this past Thursday doing a little dance. This unfortunately doesn't capture enough of her dancing but you get the idea.

One thing that has been really amazing me (among many,) with Makenna is that we bought her a Nursery Rhyme book for her birthday and last couple of weeks I've been reading her different rhymes from the book. Well, this past week she will turn the page to this or that nursery rhyme and start to say it as a way to ask me to read it. So for instance, she'll turn to Humpty Dumpty and say "Humpty Dumpty." Okay well, that may not seem so amazing, but there is this one nursery rhyme which I've never heard prior to this book called, "Oh Dear, What Can the Matter Be." Every night, she wants to hear this rhyme and she finds the page it's on herself and then starts to say "Oh Dear." She does this with other rhymes too. I guess it's the whole finding it on her own that's amazing me and actually remembering a few words from it. She also likes "Pop Goes the Weasel." She likes it because I'll pop out my finger from my mouth - you know what I mean and then say "pop goes the weasel."

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