Tuesday, December 30, 2008

29Dec2008: Day 217: Returns

After my aunt and uncle from RI left to go back, my sister-in-law Jessica and I took the kids and went and returned some Christmas gifts. Makenna had received a really nice pink coat that I wanted to return for the next size up so that she'd have something for next year. Luckily, they still had some and I was able to get one. I also received a really nice dress from my mom but I wanted it in another size so we went to the mall to return that. Unfortunately, they didn't have the size I was looking for.

While at JC Penny's doing the return, Makenna took it upon herself to take off just as I was able to get to the counter after waiting in line. So I asked Jessica to go look for her but was distressed when I saw she had to look and look and look for her. Luckily she found her and I made her sit on the counter while I finished. Since she was playing with all the equipment for the cash register, I put her down again, and she took off yet again. Since I was done, it was my turn to look and look for her. I finally found her under a clothes rack in the back corner of the store. Needless to say, I was not too happy and made sure that she knew it. Since it was obviously going to be a chase and run type of day, we decided to go grocery shopping and then call it a day. It's too hard to chase after a child and worry frantically about them when you don't have a stroller, as we left it in England.

Chris spent ALL day at church and finally came home at night when we had some friends come over, who graciously brought us dinner. We played a newer version of Cranium and also played Scattergories into the a.m. hours. Nothing like arguing over if someone can really be afraid of a "purple-people-eater" or if polka-dots are considered to be "things with spots".

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