Monday, December 29, 2008

27Dec2008: Day 215: White Elephant Gift Exchange

In the morning we just tried to clean up the mess from the past couple of days and hung out for a bit. In the afternoon we went over to my sister-in-law's parents house to have a White Elephant Gift Exchange. This is where you buy a relatively inexpensive gift and wrap it and people pick out a gift from the pile. Then the next person can either take another gift or take a gift someone else has already opened. We made a rule that a gift can only be stolen four times and then it's a "dead gift" meaning that no one else can steal it again.

This worked in our advantage as Chris had a good idea of printing out an ITunes gift certificate as a gift and we were able to end up with it after all the steals. My sister-in-law Autumn said that this year there were to be no gag gifts as last year she ended up with a bed liner for a truck. Even though, she was able to sell it on Craig's list for $30 - I said that was a good gift then as she got $30 for a $5 gift. We then played some other games and had some yummy cookies. Makenna enjoyed playing with Autumn's brother's and other family members.

In the evening, it was off to another poker game. We brought my aunt and uncle and Makenna along with her portable DVD player. We ended up leaving earlier then we had planned because Makenna wouldn't sleep and was getting cranky but that was probably a good thing as most of us were up in money (except my uncle).

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