Wednesday, December 31, 2008

30Dec2008: Day 218: A Mouthful

Today Makenna and I, along with my brother Josh went to visit my grandmother in the nursing home. She was happy to see us and we were glad to see her. Her short term memory is definitely not what it used to be. She kept asking if Makenna was born in England.

After, Chris, Makenna, and I went to lunch and during lunch Makenna had quite a bit to say. She talked about the plants and about how the light is hot and not to touch it. She also commented on her drink of water and how it was cold and even said, "brrr," and how she liked her pizza, and that it was good. She was picking up everything that we said and was repeating it back.

In the evening, we went to dinner with my dad and we finally got her something that she would eat, a hamburger. She enjoyed it more after we gave her A1 Sauce for it. She also enjoyed the dessert that we shared between three of us. Makenna is also singing songs more. You can hear her start to say, "happy, clap hands," (for if you're happy and you know it clap your hands). Also you hear, "jingle bells, jingle bells, oh fun..." Plus bits of twinkle twinkle star and itsy bitsy spider. Chris got a digital recorder for Christmas and tried taping her tonight on the car ride home, but of course, it was as if a camera was on her and she quit performing. How's a parent supposed to save those cute moments if a child stops when being filmed, photographed, or recorded?

One other thing that's been nice since we've been home is to be able to catch up on some movies that were released since we've been gone. Since we can't really get out to see movies over in England, and/or they don't all come over, we have been able to rent and we've bought a few used and are now trying to see some of the hit films of the past six months. I do have to say, I see why Heath Ledger is being highly talked about for his part in "Dark Knight."

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